The Lightening Rod Building / Landmark in Hausken | World Anvil
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The Lightening Rod

This is the brothel owned and run by Dougal McKenzie. Sometimes, referred to as just "The Rod" but those who work there.   The Lightening rod is set up like a hotel with a has a large foyer and front desk to the right of the front door as you walk in. Next to that is a door that opens into a large study where Dougal works most of the day. The stairs leading down to the basement is on the opposite side of the foyer, and a large ballest staircase is opposite the front door. It winds upstairs and services 2 floors of rooms, each equiped with bathrooms and used for business rather than lodging. The door under the stairs leads out the back of the establishment to a kitchen and sitting room for many of the employees to relax in. As well as their sleeping quarters.   The Lightening Rod is one of few brothels wealthy and well run enough to have steam powered plumbed hot water and lavatories.  


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