The Old Language in Hausken | World Anvil
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The Old Language

The Old Language was spoken in the early days of the Tinatoa before The Wrath.  
Old LanguageTranslatedContext
Akon si’sancta Tinatao I am an Ink Man a greeting used before going into negotiation to identify themselves as friend and not foe
La’noy Procede
Pamo na kateegal hisang Tinatao? How long have you been with the Tinatao?
Jalu taon sa. Nik’tatra ballo pits para ye huling uso. Five years so far. I've been working in your Pits for the last two.
Aking kapna lallaan dito pimla sa loob halos. My brother here has been family for almost ten.
Magsalita ka lomung well’wika. Ako aiyan hindi mar’daling garwenner. You speak the old language well. I'm impressed, and that's not easy to do.
Anag hu jina nang maaga, dulo Saber nang katte. Ali’an sa dalawa, ako jinko nang. My Father taught me early, and the Saber taught me late. Either way, I am here to be taught by you now.
Kung ano ga’galay? What was that noise?
Islay mana Asmatita bukno muli jana la? You've been with that Ascended whore again haven’t you?
Hindi ba maglakas mapag-usap ractell kan’gusto. Wala keng lip largo. Don't you dare talk about her like that. You know nothing.
Wosa jande, ma’ai kapita. Wosa jande. Wolf in the den, brothers. Wolf in the den.
Ily ung kapatid ma’ai kapita, o nento ‘Ba Chula’? Is that my brother or ‘The Dark’? A taunt given to Merakesh from Marcus
Hawig tuma na’lin ako. Ang ven kapatid himst pa. Don't call me that. I'm not your brother any more.
Luni’nok arah eet’o, sapgat yena burjin min mapp’ley. Swallow today, for tomorrow there will be more to feast upon.
Ika’wa pei’tar, leskoa You’re dead, Traitor Yelled at Merakesh for leaving the Tinantoa
Urlang lurgma nikoll’eta debts are always collected Often left at the scenes of assassinations as warnings to others
Kem’la nexlor! Protect me!
Dislante tu’ita tektoa Show not mercy
akon si’sancta Merakesh greetings friend Merakesh
Kusto be hanto nento ba chula kikonowa? Although you look more like The Dark these days.


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