Tinatoa Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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Bantha controlled the North with his tattooed Daemonkin known as The Tinatoa. Bantha and his ink covered cronies now controlled both the North and the East, owing to the fall of The Opus and giving him now half the decision power in all deeds criminal.   Tinatoa are traditionally Daemonkin, although now with the fall of The Opus, there are other races who are now considered part of the faction. The Tinatoa can be distinguished by their tribal tattooes and gang-thug-like mentality.   The Tinatoa own many businesses around Hausken. Some of these include:  

The Tinatoa logo

The logo used by the Tinatoa is a four tribal symbol within a circle. The sharp edges are a symbol for their nature, within constraints. The empty circle in the middle is the hole that is left without their connection to the Daemon ancestory and acts as a reminder to take what you can in this life. It is used in tattoos and jewelry to help identify members of the organisation. If one knows where to look, it can also be seen carved into doors and door frames, on cariages, branded onto boxes, and painted onto cobblestone - it indicates ownership and solidarity for those of the organisation. All members of the Tinatoa will has this tattooed onto them as part of their initiation.


North and East


Their primary location is the Cry


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