The Ugly Cockerel Building / Landmark in Hausken | World Anvil
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The Ugly Cockerel

It is a gambling den, a rough yet somewhat exclusive place. It is run by the Scoria and requires a passphrase to enter. It has a bar, but is mostly a place for cock-fighting.   The entrance is an old red door, paint peeling from the wood and metal slit at the top. There is no handle, no number, no name. You just have to know it's there and what to do: know 2 times quickly, and then 3 times slowly. When the metal slit snaps back and the red eyes peer out at you, they will say "Molton rock". You must answer "binds us".  
It is run by a grey furred Daemonkin bar-keep
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Owning Organization


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