Scoria Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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Made up of primarily Daemonkin who are non-humanoid in appearance. (eg animal heads, skin that doesn't appear like skin such as fur or rock etc)   Big Vinnie had the West side where his gang were known for their grotesque appearance and big fists. They were bulky enforcers with skins like scarred leather, or brittle rock, or sun-damaged scales. The gang was known as The Scoria and like the slag that separates from molten metal they attracted the half-breeds of the city that looked too damaged to work anywhere else.   The Scoria were not known for the hospitability or their tolerance. They loved violence and blood, boxing and cock-fighting are favourite sports for them.   The Scoria own many businesses around Hausken. Some of these include:

The Scoria logo

The logo used by the Scoria are three circlular rings with a triangle inside it. That triage has an inverted triangle with patterns that look similiar to eyes on a bird skull. The symbol was designed to show the beauty and connection to that which is around without loosing the sharpness of being different. It is used in tattoos and jewelry to help identify members of the organisation. If one knows where to look, it can also be seen carved into doors and door frames, on cariages, branded onto boxes, and painted onto cobblestone - it indicates ownership and solidarity for those of the organisation.


Control the underground scene of the West side in Hausken.
Illicit, Gang
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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