Tinkerers Guild Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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Tinkerers Guild

Responsible for all mechanical and engineering diciplines, heavily concentrated in the Steam Works.  

The Tinkerers Guild Emblem

The newest guild addition to Hausken, it has used simple imagery to create a logo. It was created by a commitee of tinkerers upon founding the guild. 
  • cogs and machinery - a clear reprenentation of the continual hardwork and prestine engineering required to keep machinery working.
  • crown - contrary to belief, it is not in honour of the monarchy but a representation the surnames of the guilds founding members who all shared surnames with previous Kings (Pisquar, Crosby, and Foxbridge). 
  • leaves - like the Miners Union, the leaves in this emblem show the connection to the land around, and their dedication to rehabilitation after progress.
Guild, Craftsmen


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