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Physicality: The proudly nocturnal Bariya tend to have lighter skin than their Mutahadir kin. They have large pale eyes with barely visible sclera. Their ears are larger and wider too. As protective eyewear the Bariya wear masks fashioned from beastly skulls, reinforced with wood or metal. These are often meant for intimidation and social ranking. Some create a mask from a deceased animal companion or a trophy from a hunt.   Masters of the Desert. The Bariya and Mutahadir were one race in ancient times, but grew apart after many of the poorer gnomes moved into the wilderness to fend for themselves and live freely. Since the split from their Mutahadir cousins, the Bariya have completely assimilated with the wilderness of the Straits. They have a modest lifestyle and make their homes in cliffs, ruins and tombs, to avoid sunlight. There are only a handful of large Bariya settlements, existing mostly to acquire new beasts, meet with other clans or to restock on supplies for their desert-crossing treks. The Bariya know the desert as intimately as a close friend; from accurately predicting raging sandstorms days in advance, knowing exactly where to find food and water to even an innate connection with its wildlife. The Bariya traditionally keep beast companions, which they care for well and which are an integral part of their society. From the swift Raiki to the towering Yisk, these beasts serve any role from mount to hunting companions, and are trained well and with respect. The Bariya craft their equipment from the deserts around them, often repurposing gargantuan carcasses, crashed airships or looted Mutahadir caravans to craft scrappy armor and weapons. They are often seen as feral or primal by outsiders, but the opposite is true. They possess all the wit and cunning of the Mutahadir, but have forsaken their materialistic ways for total freedom.   Territorial Raiders. The Bariya tend to be protective of their homes and communities, making them xenophobic and highly territorial. Any invaders on their homeland are dealt with swiftly. Many adventurers thus tend to avoid the barren dunes of the Straits, since you never know when you're in Bariya territory. Sometimes, the Bariya go on raids; structured attacks on large trade routes or frontier settlements in order to intimidate other races and to scavenge for supplies. On the surprisingly common occasion that a Bariya settlement is destroyed or lost, it's inhabitants go on what is known as a Great Migration, where many Bariya search the Core Cluster for a new home. These large groups are seen by outsiders as dangerous, as there are rare cases of these Great Migrations turning into a permanently nomadic group of raiders. This is especially true for the very few that worship the Slumbering King; an ancient and occult deity that is shrouded in mystery. Followers mercilessly attack during the night, attacking resting adventurers or helpless merchants, but none know why.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Ishtar, Silil, Nikurra, Nada, Geme, Anu, Kala, Urbau, Aya, Rani

Masculine names

Shatam, Enmer, Ama-Sin, Ibi, Nungal, Nadin, Zarlag, Ubarum, Etum, Shar

Family names

Aswad, Siwa, Jinun, Syd-Alfiran, Alsarie
Encompassed species
Related Locations

Notable Members

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