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Descendants of Dragons. The small and intelligent scaley draconids are believed to be the descendants of mythical dragons, which are believed to be long extinct. Draconids are perhaps the most varied race in Haven, appearing in many different varieties, colours and builds, although all are short in stature, often not growing taller than 4 feet. The appearance of a draconid is directly related to the environment its egg was hatched in, rather than genetics. Due to their size and peculiar society, they are often dismissed as weak or dim, but that draconic ancestry still burns bright within their hearts, and they are more than willing to prove the world wrong.   Infused Eggs. Draconid eggs are unique in the way their shells work. The shell is unusually structured to allow raw energy and magic to enter into the embryo. When exposed to enough of such powers for most of the hatching, affecting the draconids in various ways. Draconid sorcerors may have been born with magic abilities granted to them by a magical artifact in their nest exuding constant magical energy, or draconid warriors might grow tough and resilient due to harsh weather conditions in their nest. Due to this, nests and draconid eggs play a central role in their societies, and each draconid is born specifically due to their infused eggs.   Eusociality. Whatever their scale, draconid societies are structured entirely around their eggs; entire social groups and professions are dedicated to protecting nests, protecting so-called Broodmothers -the leaders of the draconids- with heavy armor and combat training, Hatchers devoted to the art of hatching eggs and repurposing eggshells, Incubators that find the best way to infuse eggs, and many more. Draconid society is thus eusocial; every draconid has a designated role from birth, and is instinctively programmed to fill that role within their society. Some even to extremes; draconid warriors will recklessly lay down their lives to protect the future of their broods, Incubators push the boundaries of infusion too far and create abnormal draconids, and desperate feral broodmothers send out their soldiers to hunt down all food sources in a region, all for the preservation of the draconid race and the belief that perhaps one day they’ll be closer to their ancestral dragon forms. Some draconids are part of special adventuring groups, while others went against their predetermined role, leading to the rare draconid adventurers seen throughout Haven.
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