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Physicality. The small wyvernborn are bipedal winged draconids. They vary widely in appearance and can be found almost everywhere. Their arms fold out into large wings, and their mostly light bodies allow them to fly and glide with great maneuverability. The thin membranes on their wings are leathery and sturdy. Most wyvernborn have long tails with a crest or feathers at the tip to help with balancing. Their legs and claws are built to withstand landing at high impacts and to cling onto various surfaces. They are entirely covered in scales, which can be almost any colour depending on their brood. Their skulls and jaws are strong, originally evolved to bite into prey and hold on with great strength. Wyvernborn facial bone structure varies greatly, with some resembling large dinosaur-like reptiles, and others the snake-like wyverns.   Born With a Gift: The wyvernborn constantly strive for greatness and change, and they seek to enhance their offspring in every way they can. So-called Seekers search the surrounding lands for all sorts of magical items, ancient artefacts and unstable trinkets to add to their nests. It’s not the items themselves the wyvernborn care about, but the faint magical aura they exude: these objects infuse the wyvernborn eggs with all sorts of magic and powers, leading to wyvernborn offspring with greatly varying appearances and innate skills: a nest full of powerful healing potions might lead to a golden-scaled brood with healing abilities; an ancient necronomicon corrupts the eggs around it to create a brood of deep black coloured wyvernborn death clerics; a carefully placed Bag of Holding might result in a brood of wyvernborn able to create unstable pocket dimensions, and so on. This process however rarely succeeds in creating such powerful offspring.   Hives: The largest wyvernborn settlements are called Hives. Each Hive is inhabited by thousands to hundreds of thousands of individuals, which are divided into several broods, roughly 20 to 100 wyvernborn in numbers, which all loosely coexist. Each brood is seen as a family and has specific roles within the Hive; one brood may produce the best Seekers, another produces strong warriors who protect other broods’ Broodmothers, yet another may solely produce large numbers of small and meek meat-shields for their armies they call Swarms. Each hive is led by a Great Wyvern: a powerful prophet that dictates the future of each brood and how each egg shall be hatched. The largest Hive in Haven is The Crag. The Crag is built onto a humongous ravine that split Jafatan in two. Many flying beasts used to gather around this area in order to build nests, which the wyvernborn hunted over the years, taking over the area and building an ever-expanding Hive. The Crag is a combination of sporadically connected cliffside caverns and tunnels, and scaffolding built around ancient ruins that were once a sprawling human city, now split by the ravine. At the head of the Crag is the Great Wyvern Tohro, Weaver of Prophecy. Tohro is much larger than most wyvernborn, and almost resembles a white-scaled wyvern. He has long crooked horns, connected by all sorts of baubles and trinkets. Tohro holds massive ceremonies where he gathers the leaders of each brood to tell them about the different visions and prophecies he has seen for them, however vague they may be.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Qix, Zig, Kreg, Kriki, Tiks

Masculine names

Baqqan, Akka, Akvag, Park, Brok, Snaks, Zarto, Mes

Family names

Sky Carver, Winged Devil, Spittler, Drogak's Guard, Wind Slicer, Bloodied
Encompassed species
Related Locations

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