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Session 12 - Down the well Report

General Summary

Freeday, 14th Reaping 784, afternoon
  • The party explores the other branches of the caverns;
  • They find a small body of water, Surreal Sha detects a faint smell of sulfurous water;
  • As they explore the large caverns where the small lake resides, the smell intensifies and on top of some rock that are barely covered by the water they see two bodies;
  • The bodies are of a human and a dwarf, they seem to have been drained of their blood to an inch of their life but are still barely alive, at least for a few more seconds;
  • Galar Granito-Negro immediately jumps across and heals one of them Surreal does the same from the shore;
  • Once healed they explained to them who they are, the human and dwarf are in shock, but eventually calm down, their names are Mariel and Naugrem, they are acolytes and only remember the ghouls attacking and being unable to move;
  • They manage to bring the two acolytes, but sadly Mariel falls deep into the water before reaching the shor e, the acidic nature of the water burned her bad, she falls unconscious, but she is quickly stabilized  and taken to the shore of the cavern;
  • Galar insists and the group agree in bringing the two acolytes back to the safety of the Temple;
  • Tibalt is happy to see the two acolytes and starts healing Mariel wounds, he begs Galar for them to find Father Baird lest something happens to him too; He gift Galar with two potions of healing to help them with their endeavours;
  • They keep exploring till reaching a great cavern, with some ruins of ancients underground buildings;
  • In the centre of it all, a strange humanoid figure, covered in a tattered cloak partially covering his face, in front of him a small altar like stone pillar, sitting on top of it a big skull, with a single eye socket, emanating bright green light from a mysterious emerald; four ghoulish creates flank the skull;
  • Around all this, four statues of an humanoid cloaked figure like the one found before hold stone bowls filled with blood; some of the blood drips to the floor forming a circle connecting each statue;
  • As the party enters the chamber and discover this grim spectacle, the creature in the centre bids them to leave, "in the name of St. Cuthbert", and when they don't, the battle starts;
  • The battle is brutal but the heroes quickly takes the upper hand and in a bout of fiery rage, Surreal releases a powerful Guiding Bolt that builds into a radiant energy exploding in a supernova striking in full the dark priest that seemed to be in control of the ritual, totally destroying the body; While this happens, Camie Flickerjewel focuses on getting the skull using her Mage Hand, after some careful positioning she gets to hit and throws it to the ground;
  • Soon after the rest of the undead are also neutralized;
  • The battle is done, but the skull still remains, its light dims but soon you all listen strange whispers echoing all over the chamber;
Haven Campaign
Galar Granito-Negro
Camie Flickerjewel
Surreal Sha
Finnan Wildbridge
Report Date
24 Jul 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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