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Birk was founded over one hundred and fifty years ago by a group of settlers from the nearby sister settlements of Stonemarsh and Thorp. The settlers arrived at the site of Birk, which was then a derelict fort, and began repairing it.
The town quickly grew into a thriving community, with a large number of artisans and merchants guilds established to support the growing population.
Over time, the town sprawled around the fort and wooden walls were built to encompass the whole town. Birk quickly became a prosperous trade town due to its location, the affluent from the City-State of Bedlam that connects with the River Sîr Cuith that goes through the town and its proximity to several other settlements. The Merchant's Guild soon came to dominate Birk's government, turning it into a plutocracy.
Today, Birk is home to 2700 people and is a bustling trade town. It receives tree trunks cut in Harmony as well as goods from Stonemarsh, Thorp, Bedlam and Dwarven clans in the Misty Mountains. There are also regular caravan routes passing through Birk bringing goods from the Wood Elves clans to the east and Nomad tribes from across the continent.

The main factions in Birk are the Artisan's Guild, which represents many craftsmen; the Merchant's Guild that governs trade and commerce and the Tower Arcanis – a regional organization that regulates arcane spellcasting within its territory and provides training for wizards as well as maintaining libraries filled with ancient magical texts and ancient lore.

Birk is organized into districts, three of them lie near one of the gates into town.
The gate districts are Rain Road, The Crosses and Ashpole.
The inner districts are Noongrove, Riverside, Hightemple, Old District and Stormwell.




  • Wooden Pallisade
  • Watch towers along the Pallisade

Industry & Trade

  • Carpentry
  • Charcoal
  • Sculptures


  • Wayfarer's Bridge
  • The Old Keep


Rain Road

Rain Road is the district of Birk where tree trunks are gathered from the river. It is a bustling area full of activity, with many workers moving to and from as they load the trees onto carts. The Merchant Guild has a strong presence here, as they oversee the trade of the lumber. The businesses in Rain Road district are mostly related to the gathering and transporting of tree trunks from the river. There are sawmills, lumber yards, warehouses and cooperages. The district is also home to some taverns and inns catering to the workers in the area.  

The Crosses

The Crosses is a small district in Birk that is known for its many taverns and inns. It is also home to the Chapel of Yondalla, the goddess of fertility and protection. Many pilgrims come to Birk each year to visit the chapel and give offerings to Yondalla. The Crosses is also a popular place for adventurers to stay when they are in town, as it is close to the gate leading out into the wilderness. The Crosses lies just outside Birk's wooden wall and has one of the gates leading into town. Most fields, orchards and farms that provide food to sustain the population of Birk can be found just south-east of this district.  


Noongrove is Birk's red light district. It's a rough and tumble place where anything goes. Many of the businesses here are gambling dens and brothels. You can find all sorts of unsavory characters in Noongrove. The streets are always busy and there is a constant feeling of danger in the air. The Town Guard avoid Noongrove, yet the district seems to somehow regulate itself.  


The district of Hightemple is home to many temples and shrines dedicated to a variety of gods and goddesses and where justice is administered. Temples, chapels and shrines to all deities can be found here. Many of the city's wealthy citizens live in Hightemple, as it is one of the safest and most prestigious areas to reside in Birk. The temples and shrines in Hightemple offer a variety of services, from healing to divination, and attract worshippers from all over the region. Businesses in Hightemple cater to the needs of the religious community and include apothecaries, herbalists, grocers, butchers, bakers and taverns. There are also several businesses in the district that cater to pilgrims and worshipers, such as inns, taverns, and stores selling religious items.  

Old District

The Old District of Birk is the oldest part of town, dating back to when the first settlers arrived and built their homes around the derelict fort. The buildings in the Old District are mostly made of wood, with some stone foundations. Many of the houses are two or three stories tall. The streets are narrow and winding, and there is a small park in the south of the district. The inhabitants of the Old District are mostly artisans and craftsmen, as well as some farmers who sell their goods at the market. Old District is also where Tower Arcanis headquarters in Birk is located.  


Stormwell is Birk's main residential district. It is home to more than half of Birk’s population. The district is lively and bustling, with people from all walks of life coming and going. The town theater house can be found here along with a couple of public bath houses. Many taverns are scattered throughout the district catering for both the less and more wealthy. Some inn and generals store are also present to cater for visitors and adventurer's alike.  


Riverside is one of the inner districts of Birk and is home to many of the town's artisans. The district gets its name from its location on the river that goes through the town. Riverside is a prosperous district thanks to the trade that flows through it. Many of the buildings in Riverside are made of stone and wood, with beautiful carvings on their facades. The artisans of Riverside are known for their skills in carving, painting and sculpting. Riverside Park is a small grove located north of Riverside. It is home to some shrines of the Old Faith, tended by a female elven Druid named Aribeth. The park is a peaceful place where people can come to relax and meditate. There are also several trees in the park that are said to be magical. Riverside is home to many businesses, including artisans, carpenters, stone masons, painters, sculptors, and more. There are also several businesses that cater to the needs of travelers, such as inns and taverns.  


Ashpole is one of the gate districts of Birk and is home to many of the town's charcoal-makers. The district gets its name from the piles of ash that are often seen outside the houses and workshop doors. Ashpole is a dirty, smoky place but it bustles with activity day and night as the charcoal-makers work to keep up with the demand for their product. Ashpole is not a particularly safe or pleasant place to be, but it is an essential part of Birk's economy.

Guilds and Factions

  • Merchant's Guild
  • Artisan's Guild
    • Stonemason's Guild
    • Sculptor's Guild
    • Carpenter's Guild
  • The Tower Arcanis

Natural Resources

  • Wood
  • Coal
  • Stone
  • Grain
  • Voidwater


  • Town of Birk
    Birk is a large town located in the middle of a fertile valley. The town is encircled by a wooden wall and has three sister settlements: Harmony to the north, Stonemarsh to the west, and Thorp to the south east.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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