Crone's Beak Profession in Haven | World Anvil
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Crone's Beak

The Crone's Beak is a titled position whose duties involve serving communication to the reclusive Crone and providing them with security and meals. They wear a pointed black felt hat with a small silver feather pin, long cream colored woolen robes, a checkered green shemagh, and wooden sandals. They carry a heavy, thin staff of worked alloy with a forked spearhead covered by an ornately stamped leather sheath. They also wear a pair of dark spectacles and usually carry a shoulder bag with correspondance and thier tobacco pipe, a kiseru of polished silver and blonde wood.



Crone's Beak is an appointed position, usually selected by a high ranking general. They must posses a self-assured mindset, martial training, the ability to read and write in the local languages and other clerical abilities.

Payment & Reimbursement

Crone's Beak as a Titled position, bears the owner a boon of residence in the palace, choice of personal guardsman, and access to the private gardens. They are paid 150 copper per week, a modest but comfortable amount for a government official. Meals are always free from all the kitchens, and the kitchens get reimbursed by exchanging the signed writ of exchange during tax collection.

Other Benefits

The Beak is a feared individual, as their appearance outside of the kitchens usually signals imminent bad news; They are responsible for handing out evictions, orders of conscription, death notices, etc.


Social Status

Seen with the kind of awe and disdain usually reserved for the hangman or a bad omen, they are not usually seen fraternizing with the townsfolk, staying aloof in the government quarter. They are feared as thier power as the Crone's mouthpiece makes them like a sleeping dragon.


The Crone used to be a bit less reclusive, giving speeches from thier balcony and seeing a few attendants in thier personal quarters. However, in time they became completely cloistered and for a long time, nobody can say they have seen the Crone themselves. It is rumored that the Crone is already dead and the Beak has taken over sole control of the government, although what difference this would really make is unclear.

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