The Ancient Runic Codex

Created by Adam Tingley // Wreckerdwarf
Placeholder Image
Pladeholder Dwof by Katy Smith
The dwarven language is one of two parts. The common tongue is the language most spoken and written and comes with a plethora of different dialects depending on social status, location and upbringing. The other is an ancient runic language base that the common tongue has been derived from. The runic language is formed of runic sigils that can be combined which in turn, enhances their meaning. Sometimes the runes are overlaid onto each other to accomplish this, sometimes they are listed separately. Due to the complexity of this ancient language, it is required to be studied by scholars and runesmiths for decades in order to obtain an artisanal mastery of the subject.  

The Base Runic Alphabet

  ᛒ - Brung - Power
ᛖ - Drun - Protection
ᚦ - Grelk - Hard Stone
ᚱ - Hurin - Water
ᚾ - Jurn - Pilgrimage
ᛟ - Kruln - Dark
ᛚ - Drog - Death
ᛏ - Mordun - Healing
ᚺ - Nark - Poison
ᛗ - Ordu - Light
ᚷ - Prak - Speed
ᛃ - Qurn - Magic
ᚼ - Rulg - Shield
ᛇ - Fjorn - Fire
ᛉ - Targ - Animal
ᛜ - Uld - Nourishment
ᚧ - Vork - Blood
ᛞ - Beyir - Bear
ᛋ - Yuln - Wisdom
ᛠ - Zurn - Soft Stone
ᚯ - Quorl - Ore

Example Combinations

  Mordun & Hurin in an overlay would equate to Ale
Drog & Nark would overlay into the rune for Disease/Illness
Zurn & Uld would overlay into a rune which represents Food
  Further combining these runes alters their meanings further into large webs of definitions, context and implied meaning.   Runesmiths and Runescribes take this a step further however. In order to imbue the runes with a power which will attribute itself to the item being inscribed upon, special dyes are created from rare ores and minerals. The properties of the ore will cause the resulting effects of the rune to be modified or to change in potency. Copper ore is very common and usually results in a low-powered effect and as such it tends to get used for basic keepsakes and trinkets. Rarer materials such as gold, platinum, mithril or cobalt generally provide a more potent magical effect and so are used sparingly for those in the most need or those with the largest coin purses.  
This is a submission for my first ever Summer Camp in 2024 - I hope you enjoy my writings and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback!

Cover image: by


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Jul 14, 2024 15:18 by Marjorie Ariel

Love your take on the prompt--very fitting for your world. I like how there are runes specifically for soft stone and hard stone.

Jul 14, 2024 23:03 by Adam Tingley

I'm tempted to take full inspiration from the Inuit and create a full system of compound words for types of stones - But that will need to wait until I have more time haha

Jul 14, 2024 23:48 by Marjorie Ariel

Yes, only so much conlanging can be done during Summer Camp.

Jul 14, 2024 22:41 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Great list of runes - you can tell what concepts are important to the dwarves. I really like that laying over/joining together runes gives rise to more complicated concepts.

Jul 14, 2024 23:04 by Adam Tingley

Languages are tricky. Especially ones that make use of kanji style writing (At least from my narrow perspective). Working on getting some custom images made for the actual runes that would fit this a lot better though. More of a modular writing system. Can't seem to find many examples in real life to match it to though :0

Jul 14, 2024 23:08 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

From what I've read, hangul has a kind of modular set up, so Korean might be a good language to research.

Jul 14, 2024 23:20 by Adam Tingley

Good shout - Thanks! :D