The Nomadic Ways

Created by Adam Tingley // Wreckerdwarf
Placeholder Image
Pladeholder Dwof by Katy Smith
“Living a life travelling is just the way of things. There can be times of plenty when the hunt is good and the prey bows easily. There are times of hardship when we are beaten and need to recuperate with what little stock we have left. To chase the hunt is to live.   We orcs are well ingrained in their cycle of moving between different hunting grounds. We have made fine work of it. When the cold thaws, we move to the plains to hunt wildebeest and man. When the sun reaches the highest point in the sky during the dry season, it is time to move to the forests to hunt boar, deer and elf. When the freeze begins, we head into the caves for shelter to preserve our weak and regain our strength. Then the cycle begins anew.”
— Orc Elder Thrukk
  Orcs lived within their traditions. Change did not come easily to those that lived a continual life on the very edge of collapse. Their numbers are kept afloat by tenacity and endurance alone. Being able to come back from some of the deadliest of wounds or survive the harshest of winters with little more than an open faced cave to dwell in.   Orcs were also no risk takers. They hunted grounds that they knew had fresh meat and allowed the populations that lived there to recoup between seasons. They often saw the killing of man and elf to be more than just the obtaining of food. They saw it as a way to keep the balance in nature; To keep them from killing off so many of the animals that they wouldn’t be able to be replenished. Conservation was key to their survival and they needed to keep the other, more frivolous races in check.   Throughout the winter season, they would retire to the tops of the cave systems to recover and allow the ecosystem of the plains and forests to recover and replenish. The orcs had to learn the hard way not to venture too far into the caves after clashing with roving goblin bands or well equipped dwarves. Both of which knew the tunnel systems far better than the orcs ever could.   Although able to find refuge amongst the stone, they did not find comfort with a roof over their heads. The stars represented the lives of their ancestors and being unable to have them watching over their actions left them with a sense of unease.   Being on the open fields with their ancestors guiding them every step of the march. This was the orcen life. No cave would ever be a substitute.  
This is a submission for my first ever Summer Camp in 2024 - I hope you enjoy my writings and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback!

Cover image: by wallpapercave


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Aug 12, 2024 22:56 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I kind of feel like the orc way of life is rather beautiful. Except, perhaps, the killing of other sapient species... but I guess they do have some justification for doing so.

Aug 12, 2024 23:37 by Adam Tingley

It's ok because *technically* the conflicts between the races comes to a somewhat... sudden halt.

Aug 12, 2024 23:41 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oh no

Aug 12, 2024 23:42 by Adam Tingley
