Ranger Maneuvers

Below are the maneuvers available to rangers. If a maneuver has a prerequisite, such as a minimum level, you can learn it at the same time you meet the prerequisite.  

Ranger Maneuvers

Herbalist's Eye

When you make an Intelligence (Nature) or a Wisdom (Medicine) check, you can expend one maneuver die and add it to the ability check.  

Knack for Survival

As a bonus action, you can expend one maneuver die to gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier + your maneuver die.  

Run Down

When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, you can use your reaction and expend one maneuver die to move up to your speed towards the creature. While moving, you ignore the effects of non magical difficult terrain.  

Primal Regeneration

Prerequisite: 6th level
When you expend a hit die to recover hit points, you can expend any number of maneuver dice to add them to the number of hit points you recover.  

Wild Companion

Prerequisite: 6th level
At the end of a long rest, you can spend 10 minutes and expend one maneuver die to cast the Find Familiar spell.


Prerequisite: 10th level


Prerequisite: 10th level


Prerequisite: 14th level


Prerequisite: 14th level


Prerequisite: 18th level