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Kingdom of Jarven

A nation ruled by an absolute monarch and a thousand nobles. It has risen to prominence through ironclad order and excellence, bolstered by its faithful citizens and soldiers full of fervor and the brilliant king and his loyal nobles who see his will through. Or so the spiel goes, Jarven is ironclad tyrannical world, its citizens stripped of rights and constantly reminded of their loyalty, they rose to prominence by the virtue of one discovery by their first king, Fralnar the great, who discovered an old data slate, containing the information of weaponry and machines of war. He rallied the folk and led them in breaking to an inactive relic foundry, inserted the slot and in the span of the night, he had armed a people, promising them rights, justice, and in vengeance he marched them against the Kurandi Republic(The predecessor).   Jarven has since then become one of the worlds most industrious nations, their understanding of weaponry and craft unmatched by must nations, bolstered by the initial unlocking of the old relic foundry, they have since then build hundreds of factories churning out commercial goods and tools of war to field one of the best-equipped armies of the eastern world.   The Jarvani people are an industrious folk, believing the promises of a bright future that the kingdom tells them, for sure with the ingenuity of the factory barons there is little that can stop the progress of the Jarvani, in a mere 20 years they went from a backwater nation to a fully industrial society, starvation became a thing of the past and abundance flows in the streets for those strong enough to work the grueling hours of the factories.


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