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Spiritcaller Kravjor Brondulfson (a.k.a. Bearbreaker)

Kravjor, has never feared death but he has never sought it, as spirit caller of his clan he was bound to its needs before his own. While the warriors were out he stayed behind to fend and aid those who stayed behind. Kravjor has been the spiritual pillar of the clan for so long, that most refer to him as grandfather Kravjor, a title he relishes, always eager to aid the young find their path and often helps to take care of the youngest while their parents hunt.   Kravjor has always been a center of calm for the tribe, he must be, for he hears the great roar of nature, its calming song and blood boiling wrath all the time, the thoughts of the animals and whispers of the trees are a constant assault upon his mind, he must be calm to not be overwhelmed and lost to the song, it is his greatest fear, to one day be too weak to do so.   But while alone a great shadow looms over him, he knows his time is coming, and that soon he will suffer the humiliation of death in bed, even as he flung himself into the jaws of death during the clans' journey south and in the war, it seems that that gods or the spirits need him alive, something he dreads. For he fears not the clans future, that he never has, for he raised it's young and his apprentice, and he knows it in safe hands.
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