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Province of Middenland

The Province of Middenland is characterized by the zeal of violence of it's creation, ruled by the landsråd, a collection of powerful families from the 9 great cities. Though each city is largely independent and rules it's own territory, the council is only responsible for overseeing province wide legislation and cooperation, especially that of ensuring demands from the 5 thrones are upheld throughout the land.   In fact the cities are often competing with one another, having a long and complicated history with one another, and many decades of violence between specific cities can often heard recounted. In truth little binds middenland together except a nascent notion that is that of being a Middenlander, a shared history of violence, ambition and passion.   For Middenland is even after all these years a land of passion, a very uncommon notion when one considers where the settlers came from, but many liken in to that fact that those conquered by the strict and codified society that king Korvand formed, and did not agree with it, took the chance to flee southward once rumors of the settlements began. The laws of Middenland are by many considered a rough guideline, and familial and local customs take presence over that of laws from the hearthlands, and families that control the city or parts of land are the true laws. With many understanding that such laws can only be upheld when observed, being very willing to bend or outright break laws for leg-up on their competition. This is even more so true amongst the great families who's intrigue and subterfuge often becomes bloody yet silent affairs.


The Province of Middenland was forged in zeal and fire, as settlers from the booming hearthlands began to come the lands that would make up the province one day, they found numerous clans of orcs, though initial contact was amicable to an extend, as the influx of settlers grew so too did hostility between them. Until the clans began all out war against the settlers over supposed transgressions, did the league begin a campaign of protection and "pacification" to ensure the safety of the settlers. Though it did not take long before many landless noble sons and daughters began to covert this campaign to one of conquest, to secure land that they would otherwise never be able to gain.   Middenland occupies a strange spot in the hierarchy of the League, as a land settled and conquered by no one state, and having nobles and commoners from all across the hearthlands, thus it could not be given to any kingdom, nor was it a foreign state being granted admission into the league. While legislators argued over who would form the basis for a provincial government, the nobles who had fought for the land and those lured there by the promise of a land rush, were already busy forming internal alliances to gather sufficient strength to declare themselves king of the new land and drove forward deeper into orc contested land to prove themselves waging a rabid and viscous war between the settlers and the remaining orc tribes. This zeal for glory would soon to greed, as talk about ruler ship began, the alliances forged began working against one another, well knowing the watchful eye of the league was over them and thus more subtle means were chosen, betrayal and assassinations became norm between those in power, and in time this aggression would spill over into the people, as competition between the budding settlements festered into daily life.   In truth many suspect the kings well knew of this, but refrained from interfering and backed candidates from their own family in order to grant credence that the province should be a part of their realm. Had it not been for Alfred the Liberator, an influential noble who had been part of the initial settlers, a respected voice amongst the people and to some of the new land nobles. Alfred proposed that each of the 9 settlements would form a council of city states, the Middenland Landsråd. To ensure power would be taken away from them by distant nobility and ofcourse for the safety and peace of the land. Though it were some turbelunt years before the Landsråd truely claimed power and was regonized it in year of 1430 declared the province of faldir, which would later be renamed to that of the province of Middenland.
Geopolitical, Province
Parent Organization
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