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The Great Spirits

Divine Origins

It is unknown how the worship of the great beasts or the great spirits came from, but it has taken many forms over time and by it's adopters, worshipped primarily on the continent of Andaras and more commonly in the far reaches of the north. The Worship of the Great spirits as guides of the people took it's form before written language, providing for the people in harsh times and teaching them how to hunt, build and persevere in their unforgiving lands. Long before man ever tamed the earth it was these teachings that gave man fire and home, and meat to eat, and knowledge on preserving their goods before the nights grew long and cold.   In these days, their worship is much rarer, and more ceremonial or part of tradition more than any actual devotion and reverence for the beasts. Though to some they are still the true and good gods of man.

Cosmological Views

When the gods left man to freeze in the cold winter, it was the great bear who sheltered them in its fur, it showed them how to keep warm, to endure the biting cold. It was the great Wolf, who taught man to hunt, and how to thrive in a land of nothing. The Raven taught man to build and craft, that he may make what his trial body could not do. and the great stag taught them to respect the lands they dwelled on, it taught man to respect itself, to life their heads high, gods or no, they did not need them so long as they had each other.

Tenets of Faith

The Faiths of the great spirits teach emulation of the good aspects as shown by the spirits to let oneself be humble before them and to take on their greatest traits to better oneself and survive the coming winter, and to thrive in the warm summer after the trails. It teaches that each of the great spirits has something to teach man and traits a +man should take upon themselves.   Bear The Great Bear, the Scarred Beast, a hundred battles a thousand winters, and yet nothing could bring down the great enduring one. The bear represents tenaciousness and endurance it is the will to push on in spite of hardship, to conquer failure, and turn it into success by perseverance.   The Bear is brutal in taking what it seeks and wants. It teaches man that one must be savage to take what it desires to survive the winter, for only those who are fed can be peaceful and loving, that it requires great strength to be compassionate and that is what all life strives to be. The teaches one to love when you are strong, that your strength can nurture others, but never to let others sap your strength.     Raven The Conniving Raven, the Dreaming Beast, elusive, intelligent, the Cruel Raven is the smartest of the beast, it makes what it needs and schemes for what it cannot make. The Raven represents ambition and Intelligence, it is to better oneself by whatever means one has and can make, it teaches mortal men to think and make that which hasn't been before, to pass on the knowledge that has been for the thinking beast is the most dangerous of all. One can better the lives of all and oneself with the ambition of the Raven, for why survive just yourself, one together one can be much safer, seek what you want, seek your dreams.     Wolf The Cunning Wolf, The Determined Beast, Silent stalker, and snarling pack master, the wolf is the most ferocious of the beast, it teaches man that he cannot survive without taken, to eat one must hunt and kill, to eat one must block the berries and mushrooms that others eat, the world is finite, do not be slow do not lose initiative, fight and fight first always.  But was also the wolf that taught man to unite in small groups, that strenght was found by the bonds of brotherhood and family, that hunting, killing & living is a thing best done together.   The wolf teaches one to be restless, relentless, to be proactive, be the hunter always, seek what you need, not what you want.     Stag The Noble Stag, the Fearless Beast, Proud strider, Regal Lord the Master of Fate, the stag teaches man that there is more to life than surviving, there is nobility in humility and compassion, those who give may not be given to, but they are what elevates all. The Stag seeks to unify those who follow him, to spread their dominion to be strong in unity not just alone, to be more than just a man or woman, more than just a family and tribe, to be together all as one, then one can truly be at the zenith of life.


The faith of the piests is rarely personal, only few can channel the great beasts, for their great power in communion is dangerous, only those strong of will can channel the best in prayer, for their aspects can be all consuming to the human mind if not properly trained.   Thus the shamans of the faith are taught by their predesorsesor how to channel the beasts in prayer and ensure communion between them and the people and to give thanks to them through sacrifices.

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