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Wolves of the Shadow

(Myrkir Vargar)

  The Wolves of the Shadow are famous as ferocious warriors, skilled in taking advantage of terrain in battle, using simple – yet effective – team tactics to strike down their enemies at the best possible moment. Among the Wolves of the Shadow, there are many more warrior-shamans, runewalkers, and other powerful casters than in most clans. That, combined with the unusually high number of artifacts they find in the hidden ruins within the vast forest they control, make up for the lack of the sheer numbers that other clans have.   The clan lives in harmony with nature, following the Nine Virtues closer than the rest of the clans or any other human group. This philosophy has allowed them to get much closer to the Elves and Dwarves than most other humans.  
The Wolves tend to use simple equipment that they make, and they wear wolves pelts and fangs as clothes or ornaments. On occasions, they can be seen wielding old exotic weapons or items that they find in the ruins or that they exchange with the Taiga Elves or the dwarves from the neighboring mountains.   According to the Wolves, reuniting the clans under a single ruler would weaken the linage and would be a terrible shame in the eyes of the Northern Gods. They truly enjoy the natural competition between the warriors of the North.  

The Forest Warriors

The Wolves of the Shadow clan arose from the families of hunters that traditionally lived in the Shadowvale region, especially the great inland forests. Over time they expanded to all the forests of the Unclaimed lands: The Great Forest , Rimeholm, Highwood Forest, and the Frozen Forest. While The Wolves have several permanent villages and towns some of the Wolves still live following the ways of their ancestors, nomadic hunters moving their encampments between the clearings of The Great Forest. Over time, these routes between fixed locations have become a true border, recognized by other clans.   The Wolves share most of the forests of the Unclaimed Land with the Taiga elves, and they both consider this region under their protection: anyone that dares to hunt or disturb the forest without either permission is likely to face a swift and silent death before they're asked any question.
True to their traditions, the clan hasn't grown in numbers like the others, nor expanded its boundaries far outside their forests. However, the Wolves of the Shadow are still a significant threat or a powerful ally to the other great clans. It's a very well known fact that some of the fiercest, bravest, and most skilled warriors of Rassilon live among the Wolves. According to the Wolves of the Shadow, there's no difference between hunting and waging war: the youngsters are trained, since childhood, to consider both with the same attention and dedication. The lives and training of these young warriors are marked by extreme tests of survival to improve their bodies and mind.     The Wolves of the Shadow are true masters in taking advantage of terrain and weather. Yet, even on an open battlefield, the "packs" showed their mettle, fighting as coordinated units and crushing the enemies under their impetus.  

The Time of the Wolves

Talking of peace was, perhaps, possible once, but now that the Great Winter is here, the Time of the Wolves is at hand. According to the most radical packs, the mention of wolves in the Voluspa is no mere coincidence. Many, especially among the youngest and most ferocious warriors of the clan, believe that it's time for the Wolves of the Shadow to show the Gods their valor and secure their places among the Einherjar.   At the same time, the heathens usurpers of the Thunor's Eye have shown their true colors of blasphemous traitors, lapdogs of the witch, the whore of the Westerners. She dripped hexes and lies in their ears, turning them against the Allfather, from whom they shamelessly claim to descend.   According to the "letter" of the legends, this cold climate can only be a sign of the wrath of the Gods that so many people of Rassilon denied. The constant snowfalls and the days growing shorter and shorter are an excellent boon for the raiding packs. They attack outposts and caravans of the Odhinn's Eye as payback for the massacres in the villages traditionally affiliated with the Wolves of the Shadow.
Despite the public excitement, the truth is very different: many families are in dreadful conditions, the clan always survived by hunting and exchanging the loot from their raids and both are now impossible with this weather.   The chieftain – also known as "pack leader" – Koltønn ("ashen tooth") – also know as Ginnungason ("son of the abyss") – and many elders know how critical the situation is and, for now, are trying to calm down the warriors. Koltønn has to take some crucial decisions, soon, for the survival of the clan, before a young and radical Wolf decides to challenge him.    

Relationships with Other Clans

  Thunor's Eye   The Wolves of the Shadow see the actions of King Asbjørn, an actual threat to the land and the Northern Gods. They believe that with his efforts and his heresy, he is helping the return of Hellfrost, and they'll do what it takes to stop it even if it means all-out war against the Thunor's Eye.   More and more villages across the Unclaimed Lands – once faithful to the Thunor's Eye, now enraged by the blasphemy that corrupted the court – are leaving the clan to join the Wolves.   The only reason to delay is that Koltønn knows that facing the vast army of King Asbjørn without allies would cost the lives of too many of his warriors, perhaps all of them. Forging powerful alliances might tip the scales in favor of the Wolves, and, at that time, nothing could stop them from fighting to the bitter end.   The Bear Clan   The Wolves of the Shadow consider the Bear Warriors as the critical factor in the war against the Thuron's Eye.   Securing an alliance with the fearsome Berserkers of the northern mountains, the Wolves of the Shadow would be able to stop hiding in the forest and face the Thuron's eye on the battlefield. Even the army of King Asbjørn won't be able to resist a joint attack from wolves, Bears, and Jotuns.   Gjallarhorn   According to the scarce news from the nearby lands, it seems that the people of Jutland are too busy protecting their borders to bother with their old allies. The Wolves fear that the Gjallarhorns might come to rescue the Thuron's Eye, once their problems are over. The two clans together will be unstoppable.   Some Wolves of the Shadow are more optimistic and believe that when faced with King Asbjørn's heresy, the Gjallarhorn clan would abandon its old allies and help the Wolves.   Arctic Crows   The Wolves of the Shadow have the utmost respect for the Arctic Crows. Even a rude answer to a Crow represents a grievous dishonor for a Wolf. The Crows spread the word of the Gods, and they are feared and respected for this.   Many wolves are in awe (or fear) of the Crows because the rumors say, they can cast terrible curses upon those that disrespect them. For these reasons, the Wolves' leader has tried to persuade the crows to stand up against the Thunor's Eye.   If the Arctic Crows would deny King Asbjørn their favor, many families would likely abandon the clan, making the defeat of the heretic King much easier.   Jötunn Sons   The wolves consider the Jötunn Sons as potential allies in the impending confrontation with the Thunor's Eye, despite their reputation as tricksters. In recent years the Wolves allowed the Jötunn Sons to stay in their villages, whereas they previously drove them off as outcasts.   Despite this grant, many Wolves – especially the older ones – consider the Jötunn Sons to be a threat and don't trust them, although they don't openly say so.


  All Finnar can choose between the Standard Human Traits and the ones corresponding to their Clan.   Ability Score Increase
You may increase your Dexterity by 2, and another ability score by 1.   Size
Most Shadow Wolves stand between 5 and 6 feet tall. Your size is medium.   Speed
A lifetime of walking, running, and hunting has made you quick. Your walking speed is 35 feet.   Pack Tactics
You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. You can use this trait only once per combat.   Surprise Attack
If you surprise a creature and hit it with an attack on your first turn in combat, the attack deals an extra 2d6 damage to it. You can use this trait only once per combat.   Hunter Scavenger
You are proficient in the Perception skill. You have a +2 bonus when looking for hidden or concealed items and doors.


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