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History of Rassilon

First Age

... 9999

Sages of old describe this age as an age of the Gods and Goddesses, of myths, of courage and strength. This age began when Black Winter struck the boundaries of the land of Rassilon, people’s last haven. The tyrant frost Giant Odd was impaled and left in chains in an eternal slumber. Still, the northern shores of Rassilon began to freeze and harsh cold winds battered Ymir’s Lash. Black Winter was relentless. The spiritual leaders of the natives made the peaks of Ymir’s Lash their home and erected wooden totems to ward off the freezing howling storms. At the same time, Rassiloners learned to use the resources of the land. They built longhouses, ships, temples, and armed themselves with better tools and weapons. First, they spread all across the land and then got together to form kingdoms. The first kingdoms emerged and with them, new cultures and conflicts arose.

  • 9000 FA

    Duvan’Ku Elven Empire

    The Duvan’Ku Elven Empire is founded, according to the Elven tradition. There's a large controversy, even among elves, about the accuracy of this date. Southern Elves claim this is just a way for the Northern Elves to remain relevant by reliving past glories.

Second Age

10001 11000

Only fragmentary evidence remains of major events before the Blizzard War and the Ice Rise, and many lesser events have been lost to time. Scholars talk of powerful ancient empires ruled by noble and wise men, all of which were reduced to ruins by the Blizzard War or now lie buried beneath the ice and snow.   It is known that the Northern lands were inhabited by the Finnar the Elven Empire and the Dwarven City-states in a stable equilibrium. The Elves took the forests, the Dwarves the Mountains and the Finnar the plains and the lakes. The Orcs, allied with other races (Goblins, Giants, etc) managed to conquer a large portion of the North East section of the continent (Everything east of the Winding peaks) during the cataclysmic war that created the Sunken Realm.   That balance lasted until the Blizzard wars.   The Low Winter lands and the Hearthland (there was not a distinction between them at the time) were in constant conflict among the Hearth Elves, the Saxa kingdoms, the Anari Empire and the kingdoms of the 'lesser races'

  • -711 SA

    The Convocation of Elementalists is founded

  • -648 SA

    The Anari Empire is born.

    The Anari Empire dominates southern Rassilon for the next five centuries

  • -529 SA

    6 Snaermonan (Snowmoon)

    Demongate Wars start
    Military action

    Mad cultists create and open a series of portals leading to The Abyss using an artifact known as the Black Key

  • -400 SA

    4 Sowanmonan (Sowingmoon)

    Demongate Wars end
    Military action

    The Demongate Wars end with the destruction of the last demonic outpost. Terrible suffering has been unleashed on the land over the last quarter-century. The Black Key is shattered and its parts are hidden.

  • -352 SA

    7 Huntianmonan (Huntmoon)

    Hela's betrayal
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Hela, keeper of the underworld goes insane and unlocks the gates to the Abyss. Evil souls flee to the mortal realm where they inhabit corpses, creating the first true undead. Hela becomes the goddess of undeath, her role as guardian taken by Scaetha

  • -316 SA

    2 Eostremonan (Eostre’s Moon)

    The Lich Priest invasion
    Military action

    The undead armies of the Lich Priest ravage what is now the northern, eastern, and central Low Winterlands. The Lich Priest bony hand extends into the set, but the expansion is halted by Aspiria and Chalcis

  • -222 SA

    4 Sceranmonan (Shearingmoon)

    The Anari Apex

    The Anari finally complete their conquest of the Saxa Kingdoms, dominating the Hearthlands as far east as the Thunor Range and Brokentail Mountains. Despite oppression, the Saxa culture in conquered lands is not stamped out, and it later rekindles.

  • -28 SA

    10 Frostmonan (Frostmoon)

    The Lich Priest Defeat
    Military action

    The Lich Priest's Army is shattered, the vile fiend entombed for eternity

  • -25 SA

    16 Wulfmonan (Wolfmoon)

    The Blizzard War Begins
    Military action

    The Blizzard War Begins. An army of frigid beasts advances rapidly from the north, destroying everything in its path, as temperatures plummet to many degrees below freezing. Countless people are killed. The gods Kenaz and Sigel vanish just before the destruction occurs. When the destruction ends 25 years later, Rassilon is virtually depopulated.

  • -15 SA

    17 Sowanmonan (Sowingmoon)

    The Loss of Karad Khan
    Disaster / Destruction

    Contact is lost with the city of Karad Khan, the greatest dwarf city

  • -10 SA

    1 Snaermonan (Snowmoon)

    The Grand Pact
    Diplomatic action

    All the nations of Rassilon (What is left of the ones that are left)  divided and weakened rally together and begin an offensive of total destruction against the Hellfrost armies.

  • 0 SA

    31 Wulfmonan (Wolfmoon)

    The Great Victory
    Military action

    The armies of Rassilon defeat the Hellfrost armies who don't have time (or intention) to retreat back north. The Grand Pact obliterates the Hellfrost armies leaving very few survivors that eventually hide beyond the Unclaimed Land. Winters immediately harden, and snow and ice begin to creep down from the north, blanketing the land.

Third Age

11001 and beyond

The Third Age is the current age.   It starts right at the end of the Blizzard War when the alliance of all the other races manages to push the Hellfrost back to the northmost part of the continent, beyond the areas that can be populated by humans.   The events in this age are better understood and agreed upon most of the peoples of Rassilon

  • 1

    1 Snaermonan (Snowmoon)

    32 Wulfmonan (Wolfmoon)

    The White Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    Plague, famine, and constant warfare wrack Rassilon. Many more people die before order is slowly restored

  • 1

    32 Wulfmonan (Wolfmoon)

    The Fall of the Duvan’Ku Empire
    Disaster / Destruction

    With the end of the Blizzard War the Duvan’Ku Empire also disappeared. Most of the Northern Elves blamed magic and technology for most of their problems and rather than trying to reform the Empire that had been devastated during the war they decided to go back to their roots and live in harmony with Nature. The elves that remain in the North, became the Taiga elves, those that left for the warmer lands of the south joined the ranks of the Hearth Elves.

  • 45

    The Founding of the Magocracy

    The Magocracy is founded, the position of Mage-King is introduced in later decades

  • 50

    Drakeport introduces the scield
    Financial Event

    The use of Drakeport's currency spreads along mercantile routes. Eventually, the local scield turns into the silver coin, the standard value of currency today

  • 82

    Founding of the Hearth Knights

  • 160

    Saxa Marklands Foundation
    Political event

    The Saxa push back the Anari out of their former lands. The Saxa found the Marklands, a confederation of Saxa Kingdoms allied against the Anari Empire

  • 246

    Crystalflow Confederacy Founded
    Political event

  • 274

    The Frozen Forest Uprising
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Frozen Forest comes to existence, kiling thousands of Taiga elves, Finnar and dwarves

  • 319

    The Battle of Chalcis
    Military action

    The Orc invasion of Chalcis ends in orc defeat at the Battle of Thunor's Fury

  • 341


    Golem Uprising

    Golems somehow gains consciousness and rise up against their masters in a bloody conflict. The Golem Ban Decree is signed by the Mage-King, the Convocation of Elementalists, and the Frost Dwarf Lords making the creation of any form of golem punishable by death. Surviving Golems enter a legal limbo where some become property and others acquire personhood depending on where they live, luck, politics etc.

  • 381

    Frost Giant Defeat
    Military action

    Pushed west by the Finnar, the Frost Giant army is smashed in the Battlelands by the Anari. Raids are halted for many years as the giants recover their strength

  • 440

    Sisters of Mercy Foundation

  • 444

    Karad Noshrek contact lost
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 445

    Frost Giant Raids
    Military action

    The Frost Giants, reorganized by the Frost King start raiding the Finnar and Anari towns.

  • 449

    Roadwardens Foundation

  • 469

    The Mistlands emerge
    Geological / environmental event

    The Mistlands become swathed in a permanent fog

  • 470

    Karad Marn Invasion
    Military action

    Karad Marn was invaded by orcs. The battle to liberate it continues to the present time

  • 471

    The Siphoning
    Plague / Epidemic

    Mages and Warlocks suffer a strange loss of power, which has grown more frequent as time passes

  • 475

    Foundation of the Knights Hrafn

  • 479

    Conquest of Orcmark
    Military action

    Orcs pour from the Mace Mountains and conquer southern Vestmark. Much of it still remains in orc hands (now called Orcmark)

  • 496

    The Siege of Ostvik
    Military action

    Orcs assault the city of Ostvik with a vast army of siege engines. The Siege continues to present day

  • 499

    The Disaster of HeillHofn
    Disaster / Destruction

    The great tragedy where a furious sea storm destroyed the ship of King Horik Gottfredson, killing the King and his firstborn Erik Barn (“the Child”), while they were sailing toward HeillHofn to meet their ally Asbjørn the Red.

  • 500

    15 Eostremonan (Eostre’s Moon)

    The Wolf Pack is created and enters the Temple of Hela

    The original Wolf Pack is founded with members of each of the main clans:
      Gremzara “Zara” (Jotun Sons)
    Finnlau “Finn” Gestsson (Wolves of the Shadow)
    Mistnip Morigak (Gjallarhorn)
    Skamos Giantslayer (Bear Clan)
    Icegleam (Arctic Crows)
    Krizyre - "Crazy" (Thunor's Eye)
      They accomplish their main mission to look for the source of the disappearance of whole towns and individuals in the far north. They discovered a forgotten temple of Hela and somehow managed to stop whatever was taking the people. This was the first of many exploits that made the Wolf Pack so famous and motivated other groups to imitate them.