Basic Outline
The palest of all the ethnicities and least diverse because no one wants to move to the relatively terrible conditions they've lived in for centuries. They commonly wear heavy furs and have practical weapons displayed on their belts proudly.
The Ashfall led to even more squabbling amongst the tribes than usual and may have even led to all out war; however, the Skeeln complicated things. The monsters were just as desperate as everyone else and their raids of the barbarians and Sirtzites got even worse.
The barbarians eventually had to make a long retreat to another mountain range that they named it The Steepest March (referring to both the difficult climbs as well as the price they had to pay in lives).
Afterwards, even the barbarians started to raid nearby towns just to survive because there wasn't enough food for them in the mountains after their march. This has given them a fairly bad reputation with the Sirtzites ever since.