General Equipment


Your equipment and the durability of it is going to be a lot more important in this campaign than the ones previous. I will still assume that your characters are taking care of your equipment normally, but you do have to have the items necessary in the first place.

Storage and weight will be another major factor. Casting off heavy bags before battle could be life saving.


These are just generic "kits" I've created in order to streamline the equipment picking process. It's just like D&D, but more complicated.

Basic Bedding

Includes: Cheap mattress, single blanket, cheap pillow, and sheets stuffed into a 6 gal. tied cloth bag with a strap. Cost: $128. Weight: 27lbs (23lbs not including bag)

Basic Fire and Light Kit

Includes: Flint, 20 sulfur matches, and a covered lantern*. Cost: $47. Weight: 2.7lbs

*Can instead take a few improved torches. If so, Cost: $28. Weight: 3.2lbs