Haiodzen (hi-ode-zen)

"...if you have made such a critical blunder, the best thing to do is pray that you've encountered the most empathetic, calm, rational Haiodzen ever born in the crags. The next best thing to do is to pray for a swift death." - Jah-Nahar, a student

Basic Outline


Generally, they squat people, with lighter olive skin; however, people of just about every creed live there so you can look like anything. They reject ostentatious shows of wealth and try to look as simple yet proud as possible.

Common Habits


  • An individual is entitled to reap the reward of their work
  • You should be solely responsible for yourself, including your failures


  • An artisan usually deserves more respect rather than a simple merchant
  • Hard work is the only true way to acheive success



Haiod was very badly affected by the Ashfall. The ruling lords horded food and tried to leave the city. The people of Haiod were largely left to fend for themselves. They floundered until a priestly order of Kushevites came and magically sustained farm land for them to grow. The story goes that not even a single one of the dozen Kushevite mages went mad during the entire 40 years of the Ashfall.

Haiod withstood the test and most people converted to become a Kushevite. They even renamed their walls to The Venerated Arms of the Supreme Pardoned Martyr Kushef in his honor.

No other nation could touch them and Haiod developed in isolation for over a hundred years.

Interaction With Other Nations

Haiod maintains a strict policy of isolationism from the political business of the other nations of the world. They will accept the trade and new people moving in, but they won't get involved enough to support any one side.

The Republic of Myr, Haiod's neighbor, has tried to annex it into it's nation several times, but hasn't been successful. The Haiod simply close their gates and endure, as they had done centuries before. Other nations like Sirtza and the former Mahat-Val would even put pressure on Myr so that Haiod would be able to trade with the world unimpeded again.

However, all this trade has left its mark. Haiod depends on it and the traders of the city hold unquestionable power to rule.

The Nation


Haiod's government is an oligarchiacal dictatorship where the the 7 wealthies guilds (The Concordants) elect a leader (Apogee).

Concordants don't really like each other much and they control their own sections of the city. They hire gangs that tax citizens of each territory for "protection". The gangs will fight opposing gangs.

Not to mention the Apogee's team of assassins (Cleaners) that, ostensibly, is for their defense.


The Apogee is the head of society and makes the broad policy decisions for Haiod.

Concordants run their parts of the city and try to make as much money as possible by forcing artisans into unions.

Master artisans are the prize horse of Haiod and enjoy many benefits from their guild they join.

Merchants come to make their fortune, but most just end up with small stalls dotting the roads of Haiod. They must pay the protection money.

Everyone else is under the thumb of the Concordants and must do as everyone else says.


The culture of Haiod is that of always putting in a lot of hard work without complaint. Life is fast, you have to be faster and willing to jump on any opportunity presented to you. However, that doesn't mean being sneaky, as the Haiodzen are quite blunt when it comes to most anything.

A lot of Haiodzen are almost fanatically religious about their martyr God Kushef. If you disrespect them, you will be challenged to fight over it.

Most people think of all Haiodzen as master smiths or crafters. Their creations are some of the most valuable and beautiful on the continent.

Throat of the World

The Throat of the World is a set of openings in the mountain's face that catches wind and makes noise. Along with the walls, the Throat was there about 700 years ago, when they first discovered the city. It was rumored to actually sing at one point, but now it only screeches.


The Haiod doesn't have a formal military. When the city is under attack, they close their gates and the Concordants send their soldiers onto the walls.

To become a "soldier" in attendence to one of the Concordants, you first have to noticed by one of their Lieutenants. After getting picked up by a Lieutenant, you get made an offer and can make a pledge to the Concordant.

The normal people are generally extorted by the soldiers for "protection" which is really just a tax to avoid getting beaten.


Haiod is a place of education, artisanry, and mercantalism. You make what you sell and you do it for a high price. People from all over the world come to trade for one thing or another. The Concordants all buy tons of luxury goods from Khairae, Myr, and Sirtza which then brings in even more business in a perpetual cycle.

Myr has tried to impose tariffs and blockages to stop foreign traders from getting to Haiod, but the Concordants themselves would, in turn, tax the shit out Yarai goods. This eventually got to a point where Myr signed a trade agreement with Haiod called, "Haiod Neutrality Pact".

The Crags

The area around Haiod is dark, cold, and gray. The ground is fractured up into millions of small sections of dried rock. It almost looks like mud dried up for miles around Haiod. You can follow the Ireenra river for most of the way and divert east upon The Crags until you eventually reach Haiod's beautiful walls and farmland.

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