
"If you can, deal with a Yarai. If you can't, try not to deal with a Khai. They can, and will, sell your own shoes back to you for 10 times more." - Grumpy Yarai, presumably with the same shoes and less money

Basic Ouline


All shades of black and brown. Their clothes are fitted like shirts and pants (the same for both men and women!), not showing much skin. Almost all of them are very well kempt. Ostentatious displays of wealth like necklaces, earrings, rings, etc.

Common Habits


  • They believe that anyone who's a mage has to wear special garb because it's a big taboo not to identify oneself as such. Almost like hiding a gun.
  • Cleanliness is a requirement to be taken seriously by any Khai
  • You pay your respects to any soldiers you see


  • They dress ostentatiously, flaunting their wealth to the world.
  • You shouldn't show much skin
  • Sexuality should stay a private matter
  • Physical contact shouldn't be given to strangers too mjuch, a respectful distance should be kept



The jungle around the Khai was fairly unsettled and left to grow on its own. When the ashfall came, people got desperate enough to try and survive within the jungle. Some were successful and set up some little villages all around. The farmland is incredibly poor, and there weren't too many mages, so a lot of them became nomadic peoples that would hunt to survive. Some mages turned the land around little villages into rich farmland and crop rotation was a must.

The jungle was still nearly impenetrable and difficult to travel, so many groups of people continued in almost tribal-like society out of necessity. This worked well for them and the people remained divided. Some towns and villages fought with each other over food and the like, but none could really control anything. Every ohter nation didn't want to try and mess with the treacherous jungles either.

A United People Through Force

Around the 200s of Clear Skies, the Khai were united through force by the Baqtara. No one really knows much about the Baqtara. Where they came from, how old they are, or even their faces. The Khai's individual cultures were erased. Those who didn't comply were sent off to other areas in the empire so that they'd have to conform.

With 200 years of an enforced culture, the majority of the newer generations have abandoned their previous cultures and view themselves as the Khai; however, some still practice their individual cultures in secret.

Growth of Economy

Despite being a new nation, Khairae has developed at an incredible speed. They make most of their money off of their exotic goods like the opioid flower (poppy), spices, and silks.

They have access to the ocean from the Kairelian Sea. They control its waters and use it to travel around.

The other nations feel threatened by their economic power. Khairae could fund a war on both land and sea and do quite well. The Khai all know this land are looking forward to a war to prove themselves.

The Nation


Khairae is a totalitarian government run by the Baqtara. The Baqtara employ Delegates whose main job is to run sections of the empire. They implement laws, impose taxes, and defend their areas. The governors create army bases filled with their soldiers to handle any disputes.


Government officials hold total power over normal citizens. They have to follow their laws, but they have special privileges not afforded to the lower classes.

Merchants are buddy-buddy with the government officials. A bit of money goes a long way in Khairae.

Everyone else makes up the lower classes.


The Khai are known for their aptitude as merchants across the Reach. You can identify the success of a merchant from how much expensive jewlery adorns them.

Products that are distinctly Khai are silk clothing and bedding, the poppy/opium, and the tons of spices.

There's a strong sense of national pride amongst the younger generations as it was spread from the officials and soldiers. It's almost as if there's a constant chip on their collective shoulders.


The Khai military is a voluneer based system that accepts any able bodied citizen. You start out as infantry and work your way up to an officer position. It's a fairly consistent meritocracy where you have to prove your effectiveness during battles to be promoted. They serve as the "police force" of Khairae and are sent to settle disputes as well as other battles.

Joining the military is done in two ways, through the draft system and volunteer. To volunteer, a common person need only request to join and the recruiters will train them in whatever profession they need more of.

If you can't serve in the military, then you're expected to support it at the very least. Make weapons, donate, but it is all up to the person.

Normal soldiers are generally seen as above the common folk, but not close to the same level as the officials. Officers, on the other hand, are afforded a great deal of respect. They hold a fair amount of power with other, more politically inclined, government officials.

General Military Ranks


Khairae makes most of its money from its extremely lucrative spice, silk, and opioid trade. They have a great deal with Aleirun for trade, but it has recently got more expensive as Myr has imposed tariffs on ships passing into Khairae.

Merchants dominate the main cities and it has basically formed a rapidly growing middle class. Guilds have sprung up to try and regulate the selling of exotic goods to the outside to try and stop scammers from ruining relations. To be a merchant of any status, you must receive a writ from your city official.


Khairae is dominated by its untamable, dense jungles. It is always hot and humid. If it wasn't for magic and their agricultural knowledge, farmland would be much harder to come by, but it's everywhere. There's green wherever you look and around every corner there's exotic, colorful wildlife. The main roads throughout Khairae are kept mostly clear, but stray and you're likely to get lost.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Serce, Ley, Sheia

Masculine names

Haise, Eseald, Taebe

Unisex names

Alma, Eaeb

Family names

Isal, Latieth
Still tons of potential to make your own culture's beliefs and flesh them out.
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