
"My mother would always frighten me with stories about the Skeeln. How they were nasty monsters that would take any bad kids. I'm old now, and I've seen real Skeeln. Her stories aren't the reason I still have nightmares about them." - Sirtzite Elder

Monstrous Raiders

The Skeeln are a monstrous race with bat-like ears and nose, red eyes, white hair, furry bodies, sharp claws/teeth, and a matted tail. Their lanky frames are well suited for their guerilla tactics, but the older ones are more than capable of holding their own in a fight against most people. They are brutal, savage and raid for survival. They live in the mountains during the winter and come down to raid during the thaw. They perforate their ears and nose with piercings made out of the bones of their slain.

If you encounter a Skeeln while exploring, you may be okay. The Skeeln naturally inhabit the Deqese and are quite fast, so running wouldn't work. Face it down and pray that it's alone, it might just leave you alone. If you see a Skeeln while in your village, that is when you must run and pray. The Skeeln are going to raid your home and they do not take prisoners. Only trophies.

The worst qualitiy of the Skeeln is their surprising intelligence. They aren't as smart as people, but they have rudimentary language, make their own tools, lay traps, plan ambushes, and there's even been reports of some Skeeln orgainizing into formations (although that's purely hearsay). The second worst quality is that there's always more of them. Always assume a Skeeln has friends in hiding.