Tech Available




Everything available in TL4 of the GURPS weapons list is available. They're made out of strong steel, but some maces are made out bein which is 3 times as strong as steel.


War bows are still the main weapon used in militaries worldwide. Only highly specialized forces have the money and resources for firearms like muskets, blunderbuses, and flintlock pistols.

TL4 stuff in GURPS are all available.


Steel plate armor reins supreme still. Even with the armor crunching halberds and the like, it's still worth it to wear plate when most soldiers don't have access to them.

Eissonite armor is especially useful as it's 3 times as good as normal steel plate and has special properties.


At this point, we do have armies and navies that are fairly organized. The higher ranks are full-time soldiers and the lower ranks are usually trained for a month or two before fighting.

Big armies aren't that common because magic has a habit of killing a lot of people when they're clumped together. Armies look more like: some frontline infantry --> a lot of specialized squads --> commanders.


Magic has affected the organization of armies as noted above due to AOE spells. Cadres of mages are recruited and put into the war effort depending on their area of expertise.

Necromancers are generally seen as unpleasant at best. Some armies will use undead as shock troops, but it's never viewed in a positive light. The Sirtza especially hate necromancers because they view it as denying the dead from heaven. Exception: Sirtza will accept necromancers who only practice on the Skeeln, but it's still incredibly taboo.


Understanding of Ailments

They actually understand that illnesses are foreign bodies within a person. Not spiritual sickness. However, they don't really understand the idea of microbes or anything on that small of a scale.

Understanding of Anatomy

Some societies have more knowledge than others of the human body specifically. It really depends on the society and the opportunity for specialists within it. The commonality between them is that they kind of have an idea what the brain and spine does, they understand which arteries will kill someone if punctured, the job of muscles, how intestines/the stomach works, how to set bones, and kind of how tendons work.


All societies have very rough tools for surgery like scalpels, saws, and the like. Some also understand that ether can be used as an anesthesia in the most desperate cases where they'd need to operate within someone. This is also used in combination with the poppy for pain relief afterwards.

The Khai are probably the best surgeons just because they have a culture that values cleanliness and wants their tools to be "pure" so they use highly distilled alcohol for antiseptic.


Healing magic is invaluable to all peoples and this makes it a path many walk. However, they're incredibly expensive because of the risks associated.

Resurrection is ludicrously expensive because it takes cormeum in order to be able to cast it without the caster dying themselves. If you die, you're more than likely going to stay dead.



The age of sail is now. Basically everything in the GURPS low-tech pdf is available. There's an understanding of astronomy, geometry, and ship making that makes it possible to sail farther distances. The only difference being that they're not as built for long travel because they haven't had to do that yet and magic has slowed the interest of this research.

Ground Travel

Mounted travel is available as well as carriages, coaches, wagons, etc. Pretty standard stuff.


Teleportation magic isn't very effective on a large scale at all and it takes a lot of specialization in order for someone to even be able to use it. Some individuals use it to get around a country or two. Generally used for assassins, spies and the like.


Equipment and Tools

No automated tools yet. Everything is done either by horses or hand.

People understand some fairly good irrigation techniques like building little channels that split off rivers into sections of farmland. Aqueducts are also widely made for this purpose.


  • Crop rotation with certain crops in order to get year-round farming without destroying the soil
  • Silt from rivers is incredibly fertile and it's good to build farms around
  • Understanding of which animals are pests and which are beneficial (worms good for soil, aphids are bad but ladybugs can eat them; things like that)


Allows for otherwise terrible soil to be easily converted to fertile soil. This is INCREDIBLY game changing. Not only that, but whole landscapes can be changed if someone is powerful enough.


Magic is still incredibly dangerous, so average folk won't be able to do it. Trained mages would have to do it, which is a bit of a dangerous gamble because most mages don't want to risk madness to create fertile ground for farms. It's too risky unless they get a hefty sum.

There are also highly prized enchanted items that are able to do things like seek water and purify earth at the cost of expensive components. However, these items generally corrupt their users and turn them plant or stone-like.


In Sirtza, they have a whole class of priests dedicated to this purpose. There's not many of them relatively and there are reports of them going mad from time to time after acting skittish, sad, and paranoid.

Sirtza is split up by feudal lords, but most of them have fairly large domains because of their ability to create substantial amounts of farmland. The Vowg get their rewards for helping of course and you don't really want to get on their bad side.


Allows for the islands they control to be transformed into huge farms for luxury crops. They can't do it to one island though because there's something wrong with the ground.


The only reason the Khai are doing so well is because they were able to magically transform large swaths of jungle into sustainable farmland. This is also why they have one of the highest populations of mad mages roaming around.

Aleirun Colonies

Only recently have the penal colonies gotten access to mages to create farmland, but it's still too taxing on mages since they'd essentially have to water the crops in most cases as well. There are some mages that take this kind of work in the more temperate regions where there is actual rainfall at times and near other watersources like wells and rivers.


Shamans sometimes are able to create better farmland and food for their people. Not much else since they don't really have a chance to become their own nation.


Haiod actually has a decent amount of farmland despite how rocky it is because the city state's land was already transformed when they got there. There's plent of wells for water as well because of an underground aqeduct.


Math is a common language for the nations, broadly speaking. This doesn't mean that everyone from a nation is educated enough to know much more than basic maths and fractions.

Number System

All nations have people with an understanding of the Arabic number system. Which means they have access to the 0, basic algebra, and more complicated maths as well such as calculus.

How Complicated?

All nations have an understanding of geometry and are able to build quite complicated structures. Physics is still being figured out, but is being used for advancements in the nations as well. Essentially, calculus is the maximum at the moment, which is pretty high.

This does not mean that lower class people have the education necessary for even basic math, but that this level is "out there" and being worked with on a large scale.


Magic is outside the laws that math operates within.



Almost every city has sewers and the vast majority of nations understand how they work.


Magic itself is in the process of being studied and learned. A lot of the more complicated spells in the PDFs aren't widely knwon.