
Basic Outline


Veliki are slightly more pale than most people in the reach. The men usually have bald heads while the women usually don't even cut their hair.

Common Habits


  • Outsiders do not belong in Sovereign


  • Those who aren't Veliki deserve nothing



After the crumbling of the empire, the Veliki were left to their own devices. They squabbled and warred with each other for a time until a warlord was able to subjugate everyone under him 180 years ago. Since then it's just been a state of isolationism because they didn't want to get involved in the politics of the rest of the world.

The Nation


The Velikite government is an extremely isolationist monarchy. The people are ruled over by an Emperor and is supported by 8 great houses. The king has children with dozens of women selected from each of the great houses and he then chooses who will take his place.


The people are split up into peasants and nobles rigidly. You do what your noble lord said no matter what.


The Veliki are a highly nationalistic and spiritual people. Their art is always of mythical stories about a Veliki making contact with the stars above.


The Great Houses employ their own military and fiercly attack any outsiders. They most often get into conflict with the nomadic raiders (Zama) to the north.


The Veliki have luxury goods similar to Beshnom and Khai and plenty of farmland, so they have no need nor want to trade with outsiders.