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Steoras (Store uhz)

Steoras are holes in the ground from which Sken emits light. When water reaches the center of Hemel and reaches Sken's cavity, a huge amount of pressure can build up and blow holes through the crust of the planet. Certain individuals (wielders) have the ability to harness the energy given off by Steoras for the benefit of their cities.
Steoras are sometimes called life-givers by the very religious as they provide the foundation of Hemelian cities. Steoras also allow for civilizations in arctic areas as they melt any ice and in turn, provide access to fresh water for inhabitants. This has fostered much more biodiversity across Hemel.
Steoras have created biodiversity in other ways as well. Due to the UV Radiation that emits from Steoras, many types of plants and animals have garnered mutations throughout their evolution. Though some have died off, there have been many mutations that were neutral or beneficial, and have been passed down through the years and ended in speciation.


Material Characteristics

Steoras are extremely bright rays of light emitting from giant holes or cracks in the crust of Hemel. These holes reach to the core of the planet where Sken lives.

Physical & Chemical Properties

High radiation, UV


Hydrogen, Helium

Geology & Geography

The Steoras are produced as a result of Sken living within Hemel

Life & Expiration

As far as the people of Hemel know, Sken is eternal

History & Usage


Stearoas produce a huge amount of radiation. THose who work near them often gain incurable illnesses or pass on mutations to their children.

Environmental Impact

The environment has adapted to Steoras, a majority of the flora and fauna has resistance to radiation. Those who are still affected know to stay away from the areas.
Elemental / Molecular
Not rare but difficult to harness
Steoras emit no odor as Skarn is made of mostly Hydrogen and Helium
Sken is a dark orange/red, the lights emitting from Steoras range from red to yellow
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