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The Chain Gang is one of the main gangs within Serine City. The Chain Gang is largely made up of released convicts, and concentrates their efforts on drug trafficking, extortion, and petty thievery. They mix this in with a fair deal of murder and arson.   The Chain Gang is open and welcoming to anyone who has received the short end of the stick in society, whether superpowered or otherwise. As long as you can prove your loyalty to the Chains, you will find a place within the gang.   The Chain Gang is typically viewed as the most violent and dangerous gang by the media, the police force, and to some extent by the other gangs of the city. However, only the unwise assume that the Chains are disorganized rabble. And they only make that mistake once. Though the Chains won't back away from a drive-by shooting or an act of vindictive arson, they keep a close eye on the media and police radio chatter, and will back off and lay low rather than draw prolonged attention. The communities in which they live also tend to view the Chain Gang as a preferable entity to the SCPD, which makes rooting them out difficult.   Chain Super: Chain
Illicit, Gang


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