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Serine City

Serine City, from the French sérine meaning cove, is an American city located in the state of Michigan in Bay County.   For the early years of her career, Green Lightning was the preeminent hero of Serine City. In 2010 she was appointed to the active roster of the Defenders and began to take on a greater role outside of the city, leaving it for longer and longer periods of time. As of 2012 she is mainly engaged elsewhere and is no longer expected to handle Serine City crime except in the most extreme cases, as is the active Defenders' role in all cities. The absence of their SSS-class hero has left many in Serine City worried about their security and the police are doing their best to reassure the populace and maintain law and order on their own. The hero Bluebird is also coming onto the scene as a beacon of hope, where previously she'd been a very minor presence in the city.


Race Serine City Huron County, Michigan
White 28.7% 54.6%
Non-Hispanic 17.5% 49.4%
Black 63.3% 38.7%
Hispanic or Latino 14.7% 6.1%
Asian 2.7% 4.1%
American Indian 0.4% 0.5%

Industry & Trade

Fortier Industries, North Star Enterprises, Keyes Incorporated, and Selby Solutions all do business in Serine City.   There are also three institutes of higher education close to Serine City. First is the University of Michigan at Serine City. This campus of the US' largest university is well-regarded for a state school, and is the choice of university for a vast majority of college-bound seniors in Serine City. The second is Baie University a premier university which never joined the Ivy League because that group was considered beneath it. Only accepting the brightest or most special of students, Baie is an elite destination for brilliant students world-wide. There are strong ties between Alford Academy and Baie. The last college is Valere College. Often overlooked due to the size of UM and the prestige of Baie, Valere is a small private college with a very low acceptance rate. The college campus is secluded, and few people from Serine City visit it.


City blocks are 330 ft by 660 feet and buildings are typically 160 ft by ~60 ft, and the city blocks are two buildings by 10 buildings.

Guilds and Factions

Criminal Organizations

Serine City has a long history of organized crime stretching back to Prohibition and before. While Al Capone terrorized Chicago, Serine City was never dominated by a single figure, but always saw itself partitioned by gangs into several territories. During the 1970s and 1980s, while Detroit was undergoing a crime epidemic, Serine City managed to remain largely under control. Especially during the years while Green Lightning kept order, criminal activity was forced to remain small-scale and very secretive. In the years since Green Lightning joined the Defenders, however, criminals have slowly begun to branch out, feeling the power vacuum and seeking to test its limits. There is great wealth that could be gained if a gang managed to entrench itself and eliminate its competitors, as Serine City represents a perfect smuggling location for bringing contraband over the Great Lakes. Gangs have come and gone, but currently there are -- main organizations which stake a claim in Serine City's underworld.
Founding Date
Large city

Map of Serine City:


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