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Stocks Market

The Stocks Market is a work of a criminal enterprise genius, who devised a complex system in order to enable the buying and selling of crime. The Stocks Market works with independent contractors as well as the gangs themselves to fulfill "Stocks", completing orders for crime the way McDonald's completes orders for a burger and fries. Smooth, clean, without hassle. If you need something illegal done, your best bet is making contact with a "Stocksbroker". Drug trafficking, prostitution, human trafficking, murder, kidnapping, gambling, arson, robbery, petty thievery, extortion, counterfeiting, fraud, and money laundering, all available for purchase. The Stocks Market's fame, however, is specifically tied to its work in bribery and murder for hire. Many public officials have discreet listings, which they'd of course deny having any knowledge of, which spell out how much money they would be willing to look the other way for certain things. The Stocks Market is also the most reliable way to pay someone to murder the person of your choice. The Market is most active in Serine City, but has expanded its network beyond this city.   The Stocks Market works closely with many superpowered individuals. Indeed, most supervillains who are concerned with profit in Serine City will be in contact with the Market. The identities of the Market's employees, however, are closely guarded and anonymous, so it is difficult to tell whether they have superpowered people working for them in a more permanent role than contractors.   The Market maintains good relationships with the other gangs as a matter of course. You don't sabotage a business relationship with the people who provide the service your entire business model is built off of. There isn't a lot of goodwill on any side, everyone approaches these dealings as purely economic. But the Market's reputation is unassailable. If you complete a contract, they will pay you. Every time. The Stocks Market has the most difficulty with the Misfits, since the chaotic group is less concerned with the logistics, and the money, the real world demands. But even this relationship is more often stable than not.
Illicit, Other


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