Draconic End-of-Days

Like all civilizations, they have a story of their creation, and one of their inevitable end.   For the dragons, they have the story of one final Rage of Dragons that will lead the dragons to their ultimate eradication from united groups from around the world in a systematic offensive that will eliminate all dragons once and for all.   The closest people have ever come to have belived that this was happening was during the last year-long rage of dragons. The formation of some coalitions had begun with coordinated defence, but there wasn't a global unificaiton effort that was predicted.


It has been passed down through generations that the non-dragon inhabitants of the world will unite in a worldwide offensive to eradicate all dragons to prevent another Rage of Dragons from destroying everything they hold dear.

Historical Basis

Historically, the original cause of the Rage of Dragons was attirbuted to the creation of the DracoRage Mythal. An extremely powerful magical artifact created by elven scorcers and wizards which was then tied to the King-Killer Star. Originally this was a method of combating dragons, as when dragons are suffering from Dragon Rage they are almost beastlike, acting only on instinct instead of the typical wise and tactical thoughts that dragons are known for. In exchange, all affected dragons act in an extremely violent manor, destroying and attacking all in their way.    After a few of these Dragon Rages had taken place, many have come to fear the rage more than dragons themselves. Typically dragons act in a predictable manor, and know when to retreat when they are beat. However, with the onset of dragon rages, a beserking dragon is a deadly and powerful adversary that fights until its last breath. As time progressed, the oral history of these dragon rages spread far across the world, with embellishments such as the destruction of entire civilizaitons at the hands of raging dragons.   Inevitably, common lore would start to include the dire warnings of the dragon rage, but the optimists and anti-dragon members of the world began to spin a new twist on the rage of dragons. They began to tell the story of how a rage of dragons will unite all the people of the world in a common foe, to once and for all vanquish the mighty dragons from the world. Freeing them from having to ever fear dragons ever again.   And that is the current belief of many groups around the world, including many dragons as well. Since the dragon's great separation from practicing any type of religion gives them no comfort in a possible afterlife, there are many dragons that despair the thought of another rage of dragons. As the next one, just may as well be the last one.


The draconic end of days is a relativly recent development in the grand history of the world, happening about only 20,000 years ago. But like most bad news, it travels quickly. In regions that have been directly affected by a rage of dragons it is much more known than areas that have been peaceful. And after the the most recent Rage of Dragons which had lasted a whole year, nearly all people of the world have heard a variation of the story with minor differences.

Variations & Mutation

The original myth only described a united world agaisnt the dragons after another rage of dragons had occured. There have been some regional variations that put local populaces on the pedestal as leaders of these united bands, but most of the story remains the same between all of them. Curiously, the standard interpretation of the end of Days for dragons themselves isn't seen as an apocalypse, but is interpreted as a call to dragons to fulfil their duties as the Apex creatures of the world until their time inevitably comes. Some dragons even turning back to their once-shunned gods for guidance for such cataclysmic preparation.

In Literature

The majority writings about the Draconic End of Days is mostly philosophical discussion about what would happend if that were the case. Philosophers debate about who then would become the next masters of the world, with several sects stating Giants would then take up the mantle, or other groups trying to bring their own group forward as a method of cultural postering. The most learned thinkers do worry most about the erradication of the "Good" metallic dragons who have always been helpful and champions of universaly "good" causes, with many also pondering who would fill the void of something as significant as the worship of Bahamut and their vast network of charity.

In Art

Several prominent artisans have tried to depict what the end of days would look like through various forms of media. With great painters creating murals of the diverse population of the world standing opposite of the 10 Colors of Dragons. Great sculpters showing common men fighting with Tiamat and Bahamut. And great performers attempting to capture the world-changing event in song and dance.
Date of First Recording
-20,000 DR
Related Species
Related Locations

Cover image: by IRPGuardian