Isolde Shadowheart

Isolde Ironsoul- Shadowheart

Isolde Shadowheart, a tiefling with an air of quiet resilience, was born in the vibrant city of Silverymoon. From a young age, Isolde navigated the challenges of being an outsider due to her infernal heritage. Her path crossed with Seraphim Ironsoul, a valiant hero who saw beyond the stigma and embraced the uniqueness of her spirit. As their love blossomed, Isolde became a steadfast support for Seraphim in his heroic endeavors. Her wisdom and compassion were a balm for the wounds he sustained on the battlefield. Isolde, with her tiefling heritage, faced her share of prejudice in a society that often misunderstood her kind, but she bore it with grace and determination.   When Seraphim's heroics fell out of necessity in the now-peaceful town of Oakhurst, Isolde took on the role of guiding her husband through the challenges of finding purpose in a world no longer in constant turmoil. Her love for Seraphim was unwavering, and she became a beacon of stability as he grappled with his identity in the absence of conflict.   Determined to help Seraphim rediscover himself, Isolde embarked on a quest to seek new opportunities and possibilities for both of them. Her journey was marked by resilience, kindness, and a quiet strength that complemented Seraphim's once-boisterous heroism. Whether through encouraging him to mentor the town's youth or exploring artistic pursuits together, Isolde remained the anchor in Seraphim's life.   Isolde Shadowheart's tale is one of enduring love and the transformative power of companionship. As the couple navigates the challenges of a town at peace, Isolde's character shines as a symbol of grace, adaptability, and the unyielding strength that lies within the heart of a tiefling who embraces her true self.


Isolde Shadowheart


Towards Seraphim Ironsoul


Seraphim Ironsoul


Towards Isolde Shadowheart


Year of Birth
1441 DR 55 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: by IRPGuardian