
Lizardfolk were semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids. Their skin was covered in scales and varied in color from dark green through to shades of brown and gray. Taller than humans and powerfully built, lizardfolk were often between 6 and 7 feet (1.8–2.1 m) tall and weighed between 200 and 250 pounds (90.7–113 kg). Lizardfolk had non-prehensile muscular tails that grew to three or four feet in length, and these were used for balance. They also had sharp claws and teeth. Although non-reptilians struggled to tell the difference between males and females, lizardfolk could easily distinguish themselves.
  Lizardfolk had to keep their skin relatively moist and needed to wet their bodies regularly if they were in dry climates. For this reason they were particularly fearful of desert landscapes.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Lizardfolk females lay clutches of eggs for reproduction. Typically eggs and hatchlings are cared for by all females of the village/tribe

Growth Rate & Stages

After hatching from their eggs, lizardfolk reach maturity after only 5 years

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Women take care of the young and maintain camps/villages while the males do the hunting
~80 Years
Average Height
Between 6 and 7 feet
Average Weight
200-250 lbs

Cover image: by IRPGuardian