Sammaster's Rage of Dragons

The lich Sammaster stole the power of the dracorage mythal and used it to his own end as his phylactery. During this time, a year-long Rage of Dragons swept over the entire planet causing a massive upheaval of society. With such vast and horrible destruction, it would take many generations until all the damage had been repaired from such a cataclysmic event.

The Conflict


Once Sammaster's Phylactery was destroyed, the mythal too was destoryed freeing all dragons from the year long Dragon Rage. Most metallic dragons began scrambling to assist in fixing what went wrong, while most chromatic dragons attempted to flee back to their lairs and fill power vaccums from other dragons that were slain.


Since the conclusion of this rage of dragons, the power of the dragons has seemlingly waned from their apex. With such a huge loss of life on all sides of the conflict, the entire world has also suffered depopulation as well as upheaval of established realms that were once free from conflict.

Historical Significance


In the following 120 years since the last rage of dragons there has been a resurgence in the Draconic End-of-Days myth spreading. There have also been clandestine organizations that have been working in the shadows to plan for and exploit the next time such a rage takes place. However, only the long lived members of society still vividly remember the horrors of such chaos.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Sammaster Killed. DracoRage Mythal Destroyed


  • World Map

Cover image: by IRPGuardian