Teleporter Installers

A group of 1 foreman and 6 workers who will install the teleporter. While spirited, the workers are still a little wet behind the ears, but Gromrick keeps them on a tight leash.
  • Gromrick Ironforge (Male Dwarf)
  1. Thistle Downspark, the gnome sapper, known for her explosive expertise in clearing the way for new foundations with a twinkle in her eye and a detonator in her hand.
  2. Lorien Leafwhisper, the elven stonecarver, whose delicate chisels shape stone as if it were clay, crafting intricate reliefs that tell stories of the forest.
  3. Brogg, the orcish mason, who can lay a wall faster than any other, his mighty hammer turning boulders into bricks with each thunderous swing.
  4. Miri Goldweaver, the halfling glazier, whose stained glass windows capture the light of the sun and moon, turning every edifice into a canvas of color.
  5. Korin Scalebender, the dragonborn engineer, breathing fire to forge steel beams and breathing life into the skeletal frames of towering structures.
  6. Urgon Frostbeard, the dwarven surveyor, whose keen eye and steady hand ensure that every building is true and every angle is perfect.
Corporation, Construction

Cover image: by IRPGuardian