The Tempest

Feared ship owned by the notorious Palmer "The Lightning" Dante and his band of pirates. Quick and powerful, especially during boarding actions.

  Originally built in 1457 in the shipyards of Neverwinter, it was going to be used as a research vessel. However, on it's maiden voyage, a young Palmer Dante was able to seize the ship with his small crew while the Tempest was on its shakedown voyage.
From then on, for nearly 40 years the vessel would be used for piracy and privateering in the name of "The Lightning." Famously, the crew had pressed a young Aarakockra during one trip to a small seaside village, who would propel the Tempest onto a newfound age of prosperity. For about 10 years the ship was the most feared vessel in the northern seas from Luskan to Waterdeep.
However, the fate of the Tempest would soon catch up with it. Shortly after the Aarakockra retired from the pirate lifestyle, the Tempest would take a large beating on one of its pirate voyages. After having to replace a large portion of masts and hull, the Tempest would return to the seas, only to meet it's untimely demise at the hands of a White Dragon, Arveiaturace. Sadly, most of the crew was lost, except for a small handful of survivors who were able to cling to driftwood and repair the damaged longboat. Palmer Dante, having regret not having "gone down with the ship," split the remaining booty that they could muster amongst the survivors and once they returned to land, disbanded the pirates, for he could no longer bear the seas and hung up his hat for good.
In the end, the Tempest was often regarded in legend as a mighty pirate ship, only to be brought down by the wrath of an Ancient White Dragon.
Creation Date
Destruction Date
5 Knots
Complement / Crew
60 Crew, 12 Officers

Cover image: by IRPGuardian