Thorhem Thundertoe (Thoor-hem)

A male dwarf who is the general secretary of the Hinterland Syndicate in Deerborn.


Originally a mason who worked around Mount Hotenow, he traveled to Neverwinter and joined a stonemasons guild for better conditions. After successfully help support a strike for increased wages in Neverwinter, the guild sent him to Deerborne to help the masons there organize.
Little to Thorhem's knowledge, Deerborn lacked masons being a port city that dealt mostly with timber. However, in the spirit of his original visit, he begun to organize the lumber workers after watching them having to work through a lunch he was having at the marketplace. Lending his knowledge from his guild at Neverwinter, the lumber workers unionized and were able to negotiate with Julian Abrams to get better working conditions. Quickly after the lumber union was formed, similar efforts were formed with the dockworkers and the teamsters who had to haul and carry the timber.
After a few arguments between the three labor unions about who gets to handle what, Thorhem pitched the idea of creating a Labor Syndicate that would incorporate the three unions into the newly formed Hinterland Syndicate. Now with the syndicate created, all the union workers enjoy all the same benefits as each other, with significantly better conditions than previously held in the years before.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1338 DR 158 Years old
Mount Hotenow
Long and dark, with braided hair and beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Winkled and medium tone
142 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by IRPGuardian