Deerborne (Deer-born)

Main settlement for the Heroes for Hire


Located about halfway between Luskan and Neverwinter, Deerborne serves as a way-station for travel between the two cities. Nestled between the coastline, and the Neverwinter Wood, as well as being close to mount Hotenow, few travelers have a different option other than walking through the town.


The population consists of
  • 47% Human
  • 24% Halfling
  • 11% Elf (combined)
  • 6% Dwarf
  • 12% Other


Run by Baron Julian Abrams, and his associates on the Deerborne Chamber of Commerce


Wooden Palisade wall with a small contingent of semi-professional soldiers.
The Baron's Manor House also has a small fence, with a handful of armed guards.
The Temple to Ilmater also has a small iron perimeter fence

Industry & Trade

Deerborne's main source of trade is its fishermen selling to travelers passing through town either north to Luskan or south to Neverwinter. Though, occationally the skilled laborers at Deerborne are comissioned from Neverwinter elite for their crafts. There are also the few shops in town that sell their wares.


The town has only few paved roads, mostly along major thoroughfares, but also has 1 deep-water dock, with several jetties for fishermen. There are several wells around town and a small marketplace adjacent to the The League Supply Shop

Guilds and Factions

The White Blades

The small mercenary contingent that the Baron uses for guarding the Manor house

Hinterland Syndicate

An organization consisting of

  • lumbermen/women who working in the Neverwinter wood
  • Dock workers
  • Teamsters

Heroes for Hire

The new Guild in town offering adventuring services


Most tourists are people traveling to or from Neverwinter from the North. To them, Deerborne is another landmark on their journey to where they're going and rarely stay more than a day before departing again.


Most buildings in Deerborn are of wood construction, thanks to the close proximity to the Neverwinter Wood supplying sturdy timber. The more important buildings have stone construction from mines located close to Mount Hotenow, but is limited to the Temple to Ilmater and The Baron's Manor House. Most rooftops are tiled, but a few of the exterior farm builds have thatch rooves.


Nestled between the Swoard Coast and the Neverwinter Wood, Deerborne is a prime location for a town between the larger cities of Luskan and Neverwinter.


Cold winters, mild Summers.

Natural Resources

Plentiful fishing spots off the coast, and a large forest to the east keep the town supplied of its most basic needs. Rarely, miners near Mount Hotenow sell gems/jewels at the Blue Dragon

Articles under Deerborne

Cover image: by IRPGuardian