
Sometimes a Hero needs a little help. Are you Powered? Do you want to help? Are you perhaps not ready to fully take on the title of Hero? Perhaps you'll do well as a Sidekick!   Don't make the mistake of thinking Sidekicks are unimportant! Many Heroes would be unable to do what they do without their Sidekicks! You may also have heard of the high mortality rate for Sidekicks and come to the conclusion that you're seen as collateral damage.   After five years of working as a Sidekick, you will be considered more than qualified enough to become a full Hero! With your and your Hero's permission, you can transfer to being a Hero! Several Sidekicks have achieved this, and we hope you'll be the next!



If you are under 18 we will need parental permission.

Payment & Reimbursement

You will be paid enough to cover your living expenses!

Other Benefits

Healthcare! Funeral expenses! Life insurance! And more!
Public Services
Other Associated professions

Cover image: by Felix Van Huss


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