
Not quite ready to claim your own territory? Fine with operating under the supervision of a Supervillain? You're a Villain. You don't get as much power as a proper Supervillain, but that's because you haven't put in the work yet. Don't act like you're better than this when you have nothing to prove your abilities.   Some people stay mere Villains forever. Perhaps that's the path for you. Maybe you'll one day be able to challenge the Supervillain who controls the territory you operate in and win their title and territory from them. That's up to you. Keep in mind that challenging Supervillains is something that should be well thought through first. We will not provide you aid on such attempts.



Be doing Villainy.

Career Progression

You can become a Supervillain by challenging a Supervillain for their territory. You could also claim your own territory and build up enough power on your own to be made a Supervillain in your own right, though this is the harder route. Challenging Supervillains who take this path is maybe unwise.

Payment & Reimbursement

You will acquire your own pay except in specific circumstances where the League is asking something of you such as requesting technology or asking you to aid another Villain.
Wildly illegal. Keep this in mind when deciding how to operate as a Villain. We cannot give you legal protections.
Other Associated professions

Cover image: by Felix Van Huss


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