Crusty Jan

Crusty Jan is a member of the Z Squad, a group of followers and fans of the legendary hero Zolikz, who compete to inherit the Zolikz name. As a fungus Shaman, Crusty Jan fights using druidic spore magic, relying on her knowledge of fungi to cast spells that can weaken and immobilize her opponents. Her expertise lies in fighting in the dark and damp corners of the city, where her powers are most effective such as Underside or the depths of High Hive.   Covered in fungus, Crusty Jan uses the spores as a source of her powers, tapping into the natural energies of the fungi to fuel her magic. Despite her solitary nature, Crusty Jan is a valued member of the Z Squad. She is an enigma to many, often disappearing for days at a time, only to reappear with new insights and strategies for defeating her enemies. Although she acts distant and aloof she is quietly excited about the legends and stories of Zolikz's of old.   Crusty Jan's abilities and fighting style set her apart from the other members of the Z Squad, but her determination to become the next Zolikz is just as strong as the rest. Her ultimate goal is to prove herself as a hero of The Great City of Laststar, worthy of inheriting the legendary name of Zolikz.