
The Manacaster is a catchall term for a type of device that began appearing in 355ND. This device has capabilities that are similar but much more powerful than those of the 'message' spell. A Manacaster can be linked to other Manacasters and can be used to send written and vocal messages between each other over long distances using a network of Magitech relays spread around the city. When the Manacaster was first launched in the commercial market it was wildly popular but only with the wealthiest citizens due to the prohibitively high cost of this new, technologically advanced product. The Manacaster is an exciting technology that promises to drastically change the way that many people live and the way, for better or for worse, that the heroes and villains of the city operate.

The curious thing about the Manacaster is that despite Frost Magitech being the first to release their flagship model a number of other corporations were able to launch their own versions within a period of time too short for them to have been able to reverse engineer Frost Magitech's version. There was wide spread speculation of corporate espionage due to this slew of similar products being released within such a short timespan. Majika-S even accused Frost Magitech using their corporate ninjas to raid a number of their facilities. However, Frost Magitech's Law Readers were able to rebuff the allegations and avoid the laws judgement due to a number of loopholes and obscure, ancient laws.

Interestingly, Majika-S did not release their own Manacaster variant despite being the corporation most well known for this kind of technology. Their head of marketing, Leon Musk announced on behalf of Majika-S that their own mysterious new product would be releasing at some point in the near future that they promised would revolutionise the Magitech industry in The Great City of Laststar.

Articles under Manacaster