Quail Smitenhomney

Quail Smitenhomney is a determined independent journalist in the district of Arboridge, particularly focused on the treatment of Petty Queen Sali Nicket in Thicketroost. As an astute observer of the political landscape, Quail has dedicated himself to uncovering the truth behind Sali Nicket's challenging circumstances.

Driven by a deep sense of justice and empathy, Quail's investigative reporting sheds light on the complexities of Sali's life as a centaur in a world not fully accommodating to her unique physiology. Quail's stories delve into the aftermath of Sali's abduction and her subsequent role as a mere figurehead in the kingdom of Thicketroost under the rule of Great King Talvin. The journalist's in-depth analysis of the delicate political situation in Arboridge brings much-needed attention to the plight of the powerless Petty Queen.

With a keen eye for detail and a relentless pursuit of facts, Quail Smitenhomney's journalistic endeavours have exposed the intricacies of the political machinations in Arboridge. His reports challenge the status quo, questioning the legitimacy of the Great King's rule and the treatment of Sali Nicket as a political pawn.

In a realm where power struggles and alliances shape destinies, Quail's work as an independent journalist plays a vital role in amplifying the voices of those suppressed and marginalized. Despite facing various challenges and dangers in his quest for the truth, Quail remains steadfast in his mission to bring transparency and justice to the realm of Arboridge and beyond. His unwavering commitment to ethical journalism and his empathy for the oppressed make him an essential force for change in the tumultuous world he navigates.