Sobek Memorial Gardens

The Sobek Memorial Gardens commemorate the victims of The Reverse Zoo Occupation in Tecoma. This garden is the result of the Tecoma Aid benefit and fundraising project. It was the first major project that the Tecoma Aid funds were used for. The Sobek Memorial Gardens comprise of a series of large terraces filled with lawns, plants and shrubberies. The most interesting thing about these gardens is that they are built directly on the ground level of the Sobek hillside, this is unusual in Laststar as these kind of structures aren't usually valued due to being space inefficient. This was only made possible by the destruction wrought by the conflicts of The Reverse Zoo Occupation. Green spaces are often destroyed to make way for buildings and infrastructure so a dedicated garden complex is a special and rare feature in The Great City of Laststar.

One of the popular parts of the memorial gardens is the outdoor amphitheatre that was designed to give the Tecoma Didgeridoo Orchestra a place to practice and perform, though the space is available for all to utilise.