Steam Works

Steam Works are a form of steam based technology. Steam works were a prolific technology for a long time until the emergence of Magitech. Steam Works generally take the form of large scale public works and distribution systems to deliver steam for the purpose of heating and powering mechanical systems. Steam Works projects were popular with the poorer portions of society as they were easy and cheap to access and gave communities much more opportunity when they pooled their resources to utilise them. Apart from the various heating applications Steam Works were looked down upon by the wealthy as a dirty and lower class, they saw it as a way for poor communities to improve their situation and as a result despised them. During this time the wealthy used inefficient manual labour processes which Steam Works would, in time, clearly surpass.

A major turning point in the history of Steam Works were the invention of the Steam Rail. The Steam Rail utilised a mobile engine known as a train that ran along a fixed rail. It could move large loads with ease. It was clear that this steam powered contraption was a large step forward in complexity, utility and technological opportunity of Steam Works which would eventually clash with newly budding Magitech industry in The Tech Wars.