The Trident War

In the sprawling district of Prisantine in the year 336ND, tensions simmered between three rival gangs: The Steamworks Militia, The Chain Gang, and The Italian Family Mafia. Each gang controlled different parts of the city and had its own unique methods of operation.   Tensions between the three gangs had been building for months, with each gang vying for control of the city's lucrative underworld. The conflict finally erupted into all-out war when the Steamworks Militia attempted to seize control of the Chain Gang's turf.   The Chain Gang responded with a swift and brutal counterattack, using their superior numbers and raw aggression to push back the Steamworks Militia's advance. The streets of Prisantine became a battleground, with skirmishes and battles echoing through the night.   The Italian Family Mafia, sensing an opportunity to expand their influence, joined the fray, launching a series of coordinated attacks on both the Steamworks Militia and the Chain Gang. They used their connections to smuggle in weapons and explosives from outside the city, which they used to devastating effect.   As the conflict escalated, the city's leaders were powerless to intervene. All but the strongest heroes were hopelessly outmatched, and the citizens of Prisantine were forced to hunker down in their homes, hoping to avoid getting caught in the crossfire.   The Trident War got its name from the 3 feuding gangs who were thrown into conflict. Overtime, as the war waged on everyone began you grow used to the conflicts around them and found ways to go about their daily lives. Despite this the citizens had grown sick of the fighting and began forming their own militias with the help of hero's to defend and protect their own neighbourhoods. All of the gangs saw their income and profits dwindle and knew that something must be done to bring the war to an end.   A meeting to discuss the terms of a ceasefire was arranged where all of the leadership of the different gangs would be present. At this meeting lieutenants from each of the gangs betrayed their bosses and worked together to attempt a takeover that would consolidate the 3 gangs into one. The result of this was the deaths of all of the leadership including the betrayers with only a few lower ranked members escaping and brought an end to the Trident War.   However, this threw the remnants of these gangs into chaos. The power vacuum caused splinter groups to form and fight amongst one another for the right to lead new gangs and claim territory. The group that was best able to make use of this situation was the remaining members of The Steamworks Militia who were able to crush the rest of the Chain Gang and Italian Family Mafia. 20 years later the Steamworks Militia is the dominant gang in Prisantine.
Conflict Type