Steamworks Militia

The Steamworks Militia is a large and powerful gang that operates in Prisantine out of Underside. The Steamworks Militia was once a citizens militia that fought against Idokodo raiders and the corporate incursions of Erzenstadt, however this was long ago and the militia has since devolved into a far less noble organisation. Nowadays the Steamworks Militia acts as a smuggling and protection racket as well as drug dealers. They have much influence around Prisantine and command the ear of even the administrators of the district. with threats of violence, bribes and blackmail. They have many strong and capable members that can ward off heros and law enforcement and the natural labyrith of Underside make their hideouts difficult to find. The Militia is frequently changing leadership due to backstabbing and scheming but the current leader is the goblin, Izzeton.
The Steamworks Militia are colloquially known as Swimmers. This is derived from the acronym of their name - SWM and their favoured method of dealing with those that cross them. A phrase that nobody outside of the SWM wants to hear, "wanna go for a swim?" is the prelude to a grisly death; being dropped into the boiling water of a Steam Works pipe for a quick swim.
During The Trident War, a large scale gang war between the Steamworks Militia, The Chain Gang and The Italian Family Mafia, their leadership was completely wiped out. During the resulting power vacuum none of the other gangs were able to recover in the same way that the Steamworks Militia did over the next few decades. This positioned The Steamworks Militia as the dominant gang in the district.

Articles under Steamworks Militia