
Zider Dudongs, known as Zider in the hero world, is a formidable member of the Z Squad and was the leader of The Z Elite during the Zolikz Games. Boasting immense strength and skill, Zider has earned his reputation as one of the more powerful heroes among the Z Squad. However, his confidence sometimes borders on arrogance, making him appear smug and off-putting to many.

Despite his accomplishments, Zider struggles with an inferiority complex that prevents him from forming deep emotional connections with others. This has led to him having few close friends within the Z Squad. His overconfidence acts as a barrier, making it difficult for others to truly get to know the person behind the hero.

Zider's rivalry with Kolizart, another prominent member of the Z Squad, is well-known. During the most recent Zolikz Games, Kolizart bested Zider, and while Zider was upset about the loss, he managed to show a small amount of respect and admiration towards his rival. This was a rare moment of vulnerability for Zider, as he typically masks any feelings of vulnerability with his arrogant demeanour.

Despite his flaws, Zider remains a crucial part of the Z Squad, and his exceptional skills contribute to the team's overall success. If he can overcome his arrogance and learn to trust and value his fellow heroes, he might find a path towards deeper connections and greater growth as a hero. Until then, Zider's journey as a hero continues, challenging him to face his own weaknesses and insecurities while striving to prove himself in the ever-competitive world of The Great City of Laststar.